Title: Current Dilema
Characters: Ginny Weasley (mainly)
Prompt: Dreams for
100_women Summary: A plan backfires
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Words: 493
She knew that there were only two people to blame for her current dilemma.
Fred and George.
Due to those imbecile brothers of her, she was currently undergoing a high level of anxiety and stress. In her own home. Damn them to hell. Or worse, they would be her test subjects to develop a new curse which would be a combination of the bat-boogey curse and the cruciatus curse.
To hell with Azkaban.
She knew better than to ever trust them with non-life threatening situations, but to ever think of telling them about her seduction plans was poor thinking on her part. In her defence… the lack of sexual relief was causing her brain to fail at providing a believable excuse to get Fred and George out of the way, who seemed to lately have a knack of testing their experiments at the wrong time in the most bizarre places, where in this case involved the bathroom.
The plan had been to sneak into the bathroom and wait for Harry, who would arrive approximately two minutes later and they would have their fun away from the suspecting eyes of her mother. The woman seemed to have eyes at the back of her eyes.
Seeing as they probably knew what she was up to, they refused to move and the juvenile teasing began. She did not have time for their mischief, and so disillousioned herself and snuck past them to hide in the bathroom hoping they would not be too long.
Well, 4 minutes and 17 seconds felt like an hour.
Relief passed through her as she watched their retreating backs whispering and laughing to each other, not really understanding their need to be secretive considering they did not know she was there.
Still hiding in the corner, she pulled out a galleon from her pocket and rubbed it a few times. The signal had been sent.
Not a minute later, she heard footsteps walking down the stairs. She smirked. Finally! But to her shock, it was not who she had expected. Hermione? Covered in blue slime.
And the almost heartfelt apologies of Fred and George following her, One of them had even offered Hermione a shampoo whilst the other practically shoved her into the bathroom, suggesting to wash off the slime as soon as possible before it dried and stained permanently.
A week had passed and Ginny was still unable to face Hermione without turning red. Every time she closed her eyes images of what she saw in the bathroom washed over her, still vivid and fresh in her mind. She knew she should have left somehow, but she just kept finding excuses to leave that bathroom, telling herself that she would get into trouble. And the worse part of it was the dreams. Those lusty, erotic dreams where Hermione would present herself in the nude, beckoning Ginny to join her...
It most certainly did not help with trying to forget the event.