I live in the USA and I rather like it here. The USA is a country of natrual disasters. The cold truth is they happen all the time in this country. There are big ones like what we are currently seeing and there are little ones that never make the international news like the wildfires out west. I've mostly lived in the east and south of the
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It's so very frustrating because there seems to be so little to do about it now. The relief efforts are hampered by the fact that the city has been made inaccessible due to the flooding. IMHO the first refugees to the Superdome should have been the first bussed out, along with the sick and elderly, but it looks as if that did not happen. There really doesn't seem to be any choice but to evacute almost all of the city's citizens until the flooding is controlled and the infrastructure restored but where on earth do you house that many people in any amount of comfort for what might be a month (or more)?
How bad do you think the final investigations into what went wrong will be? If he could be reelected, I'm sure this mess would have prevented W from reelection. I somehow don't think the gov of LA will be reelected either. The mayor might, but he's the only one.
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