Sep 12, 2004 12:01
1. Name: Haley
2. Age: 14 1/2 ish
3. Sex: female
4. Cherry or apple?:
5. Single?: no
7. What do you prefer? Sex? Or make love?: make love
8. Are you a virgin?: yes
9. Nationality: french/canadain, irish, british, a tiny bit indian(native american)
10. What's your favorite holiday?: i dunno Christmas? or Halloween..or my b-day..i dunno
11. Favorite sport?: soccer
12. Does size really matter?: nah
13. Favorite color?: black, green, blue
14. Favorite movie(s): i dunno i like alot
15. Do you wear pajamas or sleep in the nude?: pj's
16. Candles or incense?: both?
17. Car or truck?: car
18. Music?: rock. emo. indie. metal. a mix.
19. Laugh or cry at a funeral?: cry
21. Do you believe in chain letters?: i dunno
22. Do you sleep with your stuffed animal?: no
23. Do you love anyone?: yea.. its nice
24. McDonalds or Burger King?: both?
25. What is/are your mostly used nickname(s)?: Haley sometimes Haleybug
26. What's the worst thing you have ever done?: no idea
27. Obsession?: nah
28. How often do you clean your room?: whenever i can't see the floor lol
29. Number 1 on your list to have sex with?: haha
30. Sexiest person you know: there's a few
31. What do you wanna name your kids?: i dunno
34. Pepsi or Dr. Pepper?: Dr. Pepper rocks!
35. Is Vanilla Ice cool or does he still suck?: i dunno lol
36. Rather eat at home or out?: doesn't matter to me
37. Favorite cartoon?: Family Guy
38. Rather be a Smurf or Scooby Doo?: haha i dunno a smurf? id get to be blue!
39. Tyra Banks or Mya?: no idea
40. Where are your piercings?: ears
41. Drugs?: don't do 'em
42. Jerry Springer or Ricki Lake?: both
43. If you could be reincarnated, what would you come back as?: i dunno, a human. Or a bird.
44. Have you got any pets?: Lizzy-Dog
45. Brownies or cupcakes?: both
46. If you had 24 hours left to live, how would you spend it?: doing all the things i've never done, that i want to do..
47. Cat-person or dog-person?: i enjoy both
48. What's better, bass or guitar?: hmm...they're both good, but im gunna say guitar
49. Is your writing messy or neat?: depends
50. Where do you want to live? anywhere
51. How many kids do you want?: i dunno
52. Habla espanol?: a little?
53. Have you ever run away?: no, but i've wanted to. wait ya, but for like an hour
54. Does anyone owe you money?: no i owe them lol
55. Are you happy or sad right now?: neither.
56. Would you rather smoke two joints or do your homework?: uhh neither?
57. How's school?: 's ok
58. What do you think you will die of?: being old...but you never know
59. Worst smell in the world: haha
60. Favorite place to go: anywhere but here
61. What do you want to be when you grow up?: not sure, graphic designer, photographer..
63. Do you go to church?: every once in a blue moon
64. What do you do when you're bored?: computer
65. Beavis or Butt-head?:
66. Book or magazine?: both
67. Ever seen a ghost?: i might have
68. Do you believe in witchcraft?: i dunno
69. Do you sleep with the music on?: no
70. ?King Of The Hill? or ?The Simpsons??: Simpsons
72. Do men suck?: sometimes
73. Do women suck?: sometimes, when they're being bitches
74. Ever been arrested?: no
75. Mad TV or Mad Magazine?: both
76. Steak or salad?: anything
77. Craziest thing you've ever done: road off a roof on a skateboard lol
78. What's the band you hate the most?: anything rap...
79. Worst TV show?: no clue
79 1/2. Have you ever cheated on someone?: im sorry. yes i have
80. Have you ever been cheated on?: i dunno
81. Beer or wine?: i dunno
83. Favorite book: anything
84. Favorite number(s): 4, 13, 31, 64
85. "Haha" or "hehe"?: hehe
86. Bright or dark?: both
87. Favorite radio station(s): 100.3 or 101.1
88. Is it a...?: huh?
89. One good thing and one bad thing about the person who sent this to you: i kinda stole...i mean borrowed this...
90. If you had the chance to be on Titanic knowing it was gonna sink, would you still go?: lifeboat thanks.
91. Do you have a secret crush on anyone that you want to tell?: not really
92. If you could have $100,000,000 or love, what would you have?: Love
93. End with a quote: don't settle with someone you can live with, wait for the one you can't live without..