I got the random urge to do some cyber spring cleaning...
Feb 14, 2012 17:40
Cleaned out my files; I have a surprising number of near blank Word .docs that have the most hilarious story prompts in them - hilarious because they're utterly ridiculous and they're so old I'd forgotten most of the context behind them. My personal favourite just reads, "THE BABY IS ALIVE HOLY FUCK!!" and I don't know what I was meant to make of that, honestly.
Now I've organised my current writing works and realise I have only four things to work on now, instead of twenty. Much better.
Fixed my LJ profile, intro post and fandom list to more accurately reflect me and just generally look tidier.
Wandered back to FFn and fixed up the half-dozen fics that had been screwed over because of Fanfiction.net's long-standing and wholly irrational grudge against people using simple things like dashes or asterisks as page breaks. It promptly reminded me why I hated the damn site.
Funnily enough, I crossposted three fics over there for archival reasons.
Speaking of crossposting, I finally moved Art of the Reasoner to Ao3, along with Art in the Blood, and tacked it all under a series oh so cleverly named Artist!Sherlock. All of that took a disproportionately long time to do because I was unfamiliar with Ao3, also the importing system did not like me, and eventually I just moved the code manually. Blah.