Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2)

Jul 15, 2011 20:53

I wish I went to the midnight screening on Tuesday, but oh well. Time constraints ruin everything. In other news, at least I finally saw it!!!

So, I saw this in 3D. Will be seeing it again in 2D. The 3D was a little pointless, but oh well. Everything was still really stunning.

Okay, I didn't cry, but I teared up a little during the montage of Snape's memories (wee!Snape and wee!Lily, oh my God - Snape when Lily died, begging to Dumbledore, the manpain!tears, it was so wonderfully executed) and when the shields were first being cast around Hogwarts, before the battle started.

And what a battle! It was beautiful. God, the sheilds and just, WOW. Man, that took my breath away. So did Snape's memories. Those two points were my highlights. I felt the beginning was slow, the Gringotts scene rushed and slightly lacking and the aftermath of the battle a little hollow.

What pissed me off was how they butchered the epilogue. They cut out crucial lines. I felt that Harry should have shared that he was nearly put in Slytherin; the moment was so amazing in the book and gave a sense of closure and acceptance. ARGH. That really was annoying since everything else was such a high note.

That's what's weird. Although so many things were changed (ARGH, SO MANY THINGS) I still loved it. I enjoyed it so thoroughly and my heart aches at seeing it. None of the scenes really matched how I visualised it, but that scene in the Forbidden Forest. Oh my God. And the "King's Cross" bit. Both were excellent, I feel.

NEVILLE WAS BADASS. I love that. It makes up for a lot. (And was that some implied Neville/Luna I saw?)

Just *sighs happily*.

If they didn't screw up the epilogue, I would have been happier, but oh well. Can't wait to rewatch in 2D.

Perhaps what's fueling the feeling of contentment (because there were definitely some bits that irked me) is the sense of afterglow; Harry Potter has finished its final installment. I lost most of it when I closed the final book all those years ago, finishing that last chapter - now it's really over. (Well, not really. It lives on through all of us. :D)

ALSO, there were some people in the audience laughing/giggling at the really intense/serious moments. I wanted to applaud when someone told them to STFU. GRR.

wow, movie review

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