Jul 04, 2011 01:33
I finally changed my LJ theme. The black background was starting to be a little bit of a downer. So BLUE! BLUE EVERYWHERE! Also, it matches my default icon and I like keeping my crap all colour co-ordinated. (That's why it takes me a while to hang up the washing; all my pegs have to be the same colour. Yeah, I know, that's ridiculous.)
Ack though, this took ages. I kept fiddling around with the original coding. I'm pretty pleased with it. It fixes some minor issues my old layout had. Anyway, I figured since most people would come here to read fic, I better make it easier to read. White text on black isn't everyone's cup of tea.
*Looks at time.* Holy shit, I just spent over two hours doing this. (Well, including searching through LJ communities for a new layout, but still.) asdfghjkl; And damn, it's so late it's morning. *Headdesk.* I'm going to sleep now. Night night.
stray thought