You've never seen those old tv shows? New Years are always babies and old years are rickety old men. Maybe you can distract it with candy? It doesn't have teeth yet so you won't have to worry about cavities. XD
How come years are men? Why aren't they occasionally women? The really peaceful years should be girls. That, or the really violenty-nature-hates-the-world years could be girls. Just sayin'.
And I will distract 2011 with my cheesy choco balls in all their sweet, unhealthy glory! OM NOM NOM!
...and, pray tell, how would one go about threatening a YEAR of all things?
Tell the year that you'll go on hiatus from it. That kind of thing really gets its diapers in a bind. It hates being ignored.
So it sounds like I have to deal with 2011 as if it were a really whiny child. I can do that. ^^
And I will distract 2011 with my cheesy choco balls in all their sweet, unhealthy glory! OM NOM NOM!
Stop talking about those! It makes me want to try it!!! Though every time you say cheese, I think "cheddar" XD
Not cheddar cheese! Ew, no. CREAM CHEESE. Not much better, but it's the thought that counts.
I still can't stop thinking about cheddar cheese... Also, we have cream cheese in the house now and I keep thinking of your cheeseball recipe. XD
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