Coincidence Chapter 11 UPDATE!

Feb 07, 2011 22:47

Yay! i updated! I can't believe how long it took me!
I have been thinking about the flow and the story, but i just couldn't get myself to write it down.
I hope u guys haven't forgotten about this fic and will like it!!!
more Ryopi for this chapter!
Title: Coincidence Chap 11/?
Author: tellytelly 
Genre: friendship, romance
Rating: PG
Pairing: RyoJin/ Ryopi? Ryoda??characters from NEWS, KAT-TUN
Summary:   Pi can't get Ryo out of his head, and Ryo had troubles of his own. Jin is a crazy friend and Ueda comes into the scene??

Banner by nishikii :)

“So can you come? Can you come?” Jin whined whilst grasping Yamapi’s arm and shaking it. Yamapi was in his backstage room having his makeup done.

“Just stop shaking me will you, you’ll mess my clothes!” Yamapi said in a hushed voice, he looked up at his makeup artist in the mirror and nodded in an apologetic way for the way Bakanishi was bothering them.

“So that means you’ll come right?” Jin beamed, “It’s been ages I’ve been to Amusement parks and I can’t possibly go there alone now, you know, I’ll get recognized and stuff…”

“Jin, I’m not bragging, but I don’t think I would be of much help…” Yamapi averted his eyes and sighed, just how juvenile could his best friend get.

Jin stood up and smiled to Pi via the mirror.

“No problem pal, but dress nicely, Ryo-chan will be there!”

“Jyaa!” Jin winked and turned around, not waiting for Pi’s reaction, holding his hand up over his back casually to wave bye.

Yamapi almost jumped at the name. Immediately he settled to sit properly realizing he had caused his makeup artist to jump in surprise too. His heart raced at the thought, he had been avoiding the topic of “Ryo” after Jin’s interrogation at the café last time. Using the time trying to find a right position to put Ryo in in his categorization of people, acquaintance? Friend? Friend’s friend? Or….Crush?

Pi felt he couldn’t understand himself anymore, Why was Ryo not just like a friend where he could casually call up and ask out to eat or chat, why would he fluster when being asked about Ryo, and why would he want to protect Ryo when Ryo was a grown man fully capable of protecting himself? Last but not least, why would he try to kiss Ryo?

Yamapi winced at the thought, and his heart ached for a second reminiscing how startled Ryo was when he leaned into him. He could guess, Ryo probably did not reciprocate such feelings for him. In a way, Yamapi felt relieved, he had to admit he himself wasn’t ready to shift the other way, but he couldn’t help feeling forlorn, his heart tugged everytime he thought of the younger man.


Yamapi waited in the cool Autumn weather outside his mansion for Jin’s car. He had actually waken up 3 hours earlier as he was too excited to sleep. He got up, took a nice long shower and picked out some nice cool clothes, hoping to appear quite appealing but not too flashy. It was just like his first date in junior high, he literally pulled all his clothes out of the wardrobe on his bed, putting them on then pulling them off and changing another. It was crazy, since everybody knew Yamashita looked good in basically everything, but due to the panicky feeling of having to meet Ryo again, every piece of attire seemed inappropriate. The dilemma whether he wanted Ryo to act normal as if nothing happened or whether he wanted Ryo to be timid and half inviting him to continue advancing kept tumbling in his head making his head throb.

“Hey!” Jin yelled out through his window when his car approached.

Yamapi looked at the person next to Jin in the car through the glass tainted by the tree shades and instantly the courage he had mustered to keep his poise wavered. How was it possible this guy could have such an effect on him.

Yamapi jumped in the back seat and said ohayo to Ryo and Jin. Jin replied his ohayo whilst focusing on his wheel and starting off the engine again, Ryo turned to Yamapi.

“Good morning!” Ryo smiled, flashing his cute toothy grin. He then tossed a plastic bag over to Yamapi. “Onigiri and milk for breakfast!” Ryo smiled again and turned back to the front.

Yamapi almost froze at Ryo’s adorable smile. Ryo was looking much happier and healthy looking than the last time he saw him, and the onigiri and milk breakfast combination? Was that supposed to mean something? Did Ryo want to remind him of that time they spent together? Yamapi couldn’t help beam at the thought. Amusement park, his best friend, and his “crush”, nothing could be better.


The first thing they did was to get themselves disguised with silly hats, wigs and glasses they got from the park shop, it was near Halloween and as a bunch of wacky dudes and scary whatever they were trying to disguise as, they started their day in the park. Ryo had initially refused to wear the hideous rainbow colored afro hair piece and green framed spectacles, grousing over the fact that he wasn’t an idol and nobody would recognize him whatsoever. That was until Jin and Yamapi ever so animatedly decorated Ryo like a mother dressing her 3 year old kid for Christmas, and soon they all got too immersed in the fun and atmosphere.

The weather was superb and playing around like a normal kid was all Yamapi could ever wished for ever since his idol life begun. The three of them had so much fun chatting, snacking and going on rides one after another, stopping to rest only when they were near puking.

Yamapi laughed wholeheartedly, it was a feeling he really missed. Jin was really a joy in a party and having him around made everyone at ease, his jokes were crazy and his bakaness made Ryo and him laugh till their diaphragms jolted in pain.

At times Yamapi was able to suppress his thoughts about “Ryo”. They were just partying, enjoying their natural high as if they weren’t anyone anybody would care about. At times, Yamapi would miss a joke while starring at Ryo, and would forge his laugh as he watched Ryo smile with cute wrinkles cringing over the corners of his eyes that were shaped like half moons when he smiled.

Ryo would get muddled when he became the subject of jokes or teases and then he blushes and tries to say something totally unconvincing to cover up. Ryo also had an insatiable appetite which surprised Yamapi considering that Ryo was so skinny, Ryo ate and ate, with a drumstick on one hand and a fry on the other, stuffing himself till his mouth was full like a chipmunk, Yamapi laughed hard at how ridiculously cute Ryo was, how Ryo found everything new and exciting like a curious child. Everything Ryo did was too delectable to ignore and Pi found himself only falling harder and faster.

“Ne! Let’s go in the haunted house!” Jin exclaimed, pointing to the gruesome building on the hilltop refurbished especially for the Halloween month. It was nightfall and the spooky light around the building made it ever scarier.

“Sure” Pi replied casually.

He then noticed how Ryo fringed and motioned backwards. “Ehh…I don’t wanna go in the haunted house, why don’t you two go?”

“Aww, come on! Don’t tell me you’re intimidated by those fake ghosts and spirits! It’ll be fun, we could scare them back!” Jin urged, and half pushed Ryo and Pi forward.

They got in line and Pi watched how Ryo became quiet and nervous. He wanted to go and comfort him but then Jin was patting harshly on Ryo’s back and telling him excitedly how fun it would be, and that they’ll be beside him and stuff, Ryo eventually nodded and agreed to go in.

It was those haunted houses where people were divided into small groups and had to explore their own way through the building. The atmosphere was creepy once they set their foot inside the hospital like building.

“Wait wait wait, I have an emergency nature’s call!” Jin suddenly yelled, and ran out swiftly through the big doors that were near closed. “See you guys at the exit!!” Jin yelled at the other side, voice only trace as the large metal doors blocked most the noise, leaving Yamapi and Ryo on their own in the cold bare corridor of the hospital.

Jin smiled from ear to ear looking at the big doors and went to get himself a soda.

Ryo’s eyes widened in surprise. “Hey! Don’t leave us here!!” Ryo cried. He wanted to control his fear and trembling, but the horrifying images of his parents rushed towards him again like a wave of water once he realized the situation he was in. Ever since Ryo had experienced his parents’ suicide, he had tried to avoid any circumstances that were going to remind him of the scene, he had stopped watching horror movies, avoided going out alone at night, before he had even tried to avoid falling asleep when he was having nightmares night after night.

Ryo took a deep breath as he sensed the cold sweat sweeping through him, squeezing his eyes shut, he desperately tried to control himself. Maybe it was time he overcame his fear.

They walked side by side, Yamapi watched as Ryo held his fists tight and feigned his courage, he wanted to support him, hold his hand or whatever, but he knew Ryo was trying hard not to appear weak. A man’s pride was very important and he could sense Ryo cherished it a lot.

They had walked quite some way and Ryo had endured quite a lot of spooky creatures lingering in the hallways, slowing peeping through the windows, and the breeze and silence that echoed their footsteps. Yamapi was creeped out by some of them as well, but he kept his focus mainly on Ryo, he vowed to himself that he would be there for him when he needed it.

A sudden loud bang caused them to jump, and out of nowhere a woman hideously dressed in rags, face covered with blood and cuts, eyes huge like black holes jumped in front of Ryo and waved her long spidery fingers adorned with mummified long curled nails in front of Ryo’s face. “Save me, save me!” The woman cried in her squeaky high voice. “SAVE ME!” she kept screaming, and disappeared again somewhere.

Ryo fell backwards on the floor and his eyes widened in horror. His breathing became erratic and his whole body shivered uncontrollably even as the women retreated elsewhere. Save me she said, Ryo mumbled to himself, I could have saved her couldn’t I? Slowly, Ryo flexed his outstretched legs and wrapped them wrapped them close to his body, his tears streamed down as he felt his heartbeat ripping him apart. “AHHHHHHHHHH” Ryo cried as he squeezed his eyes shut and covered his ears with his hands.

“GO AWAY!! I’M SORRY!!!!!!!!” Ryo kept crying as his body continued convulsing.

The scene was more horror than the women itself, Yamapi’s heart raced as he watched Ryo literally breaking down. He quickly kneeled down and embraced his arms around Ryo one hand behind softly patting his head and one arm around his shoulder pulling him tight.

“Shh… don’t cry Ryo, I’m right here. Shh….” Yamapi shushed.

He could feel Ryo’s body shaking in his arms. Yamapi held Ryo tighter, pressing his face closer to his upper chest, hair running under Pi’s nose and whispered every consoling word he could think of. “It’s fine Ryo, it’s all fake, you don’t have to be scared…” Yamapi felt his own tears threatening to fall as his worry for Ryo overwhelmed him.

After some while Ryo gradually settled down, he snuggled his face against Pi’s chest weeping quietly, “Don’t leave me Pi…” His hands pulling on the 2 sides of Pi’s coat opening as if his life depended on it.

“Did you say something?” Pi hushed.

“Just relax. Everything is fine…I’ll protect you”

Pi placed a soft peck on Ryo’s forehead and hugged him tight once more.

They finally made it out the haunted hospital with Ryo closing his eyes the rest of the way and Pi holding his hand tightly. Jin was waiting outside and a big beam blossomed on his face as he watched them come out hand in hand.

“oooooooo….” Jin cooed, “looks like something happened.” Jin was literally dancing as he sing songed. This only caused him a knock over his forehead and Yamapi’s glare. “AKASNISHI!” Yamapi yelled. “You owe us dinner!!!” Jin screamed as Yamapi chased after Jin landing more knocks over his head. “You’re gonna pay for this!!” Yamapi cried.

Ryo finally smiled seeing the two kids running after each other.


At dinner, Yamapi and Ryo was unexpectedly quiet around each other, Jin alternated his looks between the two and sneered. Ryo was lucidly blushing and atypically not gobbling down the mea but politely placing in one piece after another, not stopping to leave room for speaking. Yamapi was also deeply concentrated on his food and was continually grabbing more from the grill in the middle.

“Is something going on?” Jin pried. He was smirking to himself how pitifully obvious his two friends were. “Something happened while I wasn’t here right?” Jin leaned in.

Ryo gulped remembering what happened in the haunted house. How pathetically feeble he must have appeared, crying and snuggling into Pi for comfort. And he finally said it, asking Pi not to leave him. Ryo wondered what Pi felt about those words, Ryo’s face flamed again at his “confession”. He had been thinking about their night at the studio, and how Pi had tried to kiss him the next morning, and just now, the kiss on his forehead. He was quite thick skulled for one thing, but just maybe, he thought, Pi was interested in him in not just a friend’s way. Ryo was a bit intimidated by the idea, but he felt good around Pi, and he had long missed the gratification and comfort from embracing arms and special attention.

Yamapi shifted in his seat and looked up at Jin.

“I’m not telling you!” Yamapi put down his chopsticks and knocked on Jin’s skull whilst sticking out his tongue. “You deserve to be punished!” After the little commotion, they all broke into laugher again.

“Ne. Do you have work tomorrow?” Jin nudged as they were driving back home.

“Not until 2pm, why?” Pi replied.

“Then why don’t you come for a sleepover!” Jin replied excitedly, not waiting for Pi’s reply as he turned the other corner opposite to Yamapi’s direction.

“EHHH?!!” Yamapi howled as there was no turning back the car. Jin’s intentions were pretty perceptible and Pi half honored him for creating such a great day and opportunity for him, but knowing Jin all these years, he was pretty sure Jin advocated the fast and direct track, what would Jin planning now?

^^ I like this chapter although the description might not be as good as i wanted it.
a happy and fluffy chapter
pls comment if you are reading, i'd really appreciate it!

commerial corner: anyone interested in purchasing goods from Pi's SUPERGOOD SUPERBAD concert, pls click here

fanfic, ryopi

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