Coincidence Chapter 3

Apr 11, 2010 21:36

Yay! 3rd chapter!

Title: Coincidence Chap 3/?
Author: tellytelly 
Genre: friendship, romance
Rating: PG (for now at least)
Pairing: RyoJin/ Ryopi? characters from NEWS, KAT-TUN
Summary:   Pi can't get this person out from his head, and it turns out the person and his best friend are?


Pi is glad that Jin is finally too drunk to stay awake and the gang decides to disband and head home. It’s just by convention Pi takes the role in bringing Jin home. Pi always maintains sober, partly because he’s a good drinker and partly cause he’s adapted himself to this job. So when Ryo stands up and lifts Jin’s one arm over his shoulder and supports his weight with an arm round Jin’s waist, Pi stands and freezes for a moment to recollect the situation.

Pi still tries to participate, it’s almost as if he were a kid trying to prove his existence and remind others that he was the one bestowed with this task, he goes up and stands on Jin’s other side and help. Ryo looks over Jin and tells Pi it’s ok, that he’ll take care of Jin.

“He’s really heavy, let me help you, besides, I know where he stays.” Pi reminds Ryo.
Ryo pauses a moment, and thanks Pi as they push him in the back seat of the taxi.

“He is awfully heavy, thanks.” Ryo looks shy, and his sudden politeness shocks Pi , it was almost as if Ryo has feigned all the toughness and playfulness before, and now that it’s late night, and he has nobody to please or to entertain, he returns to his bashful self.

When Pi gets in the front seat of the taxi, he wants to beat his brains out when he suddenly remembers that Ryo and Jin were living together now. What was he thinking, barging in between, and bragging about knowing where Jin stayed. Ryo didn’t tease him about that fact either, although with the personality Ryo portrayed, it was such a perfect joke for laughing at, Pi wondered why Ryo had let him off this time, fortunately.

They didn’t exchange another word until they’ve gotten inside the apartment (with Ryo’s key) and had successfully placed Jin’s body on his bed.

“Whew” Ryo sighs, “Am I glad you offered to come along, this guy’s like a bear!”

Pi and Ryo are standing in the living room outside Jin’s room facing each other, Pi takes a quick glance around for that extra bed he’s been hoping to find, efforts futile.

“Say…” Pi starts, “How stupid of me, I forgot you guys were together…I better get going.” Pi turns to leave, hoping Ryo would miss the disappointment and pain that was eating through him then.

“Wait…”Ryo reached out to pull Pi’s arm. “It’s late, do you want to stay?”

It’s the worst idea Pi can think of, nobody likes to admit they’re jealous, and Pi probably hates that the most, imagine him sleeping on the couch and Ryo and Jin cuddling in the master bedroom. He could feel his heart ripping at the mere thought.

“No I better go.” Pi almost runs to the door, he doesn’t turn back, doesn’t want to look at Ryo again, at that angelic face with the snarky sarcasm that has haunted him for the past month, the man that’s now with his best friend, leaving him and his heart empty and lonely and jealous.

“I’m glad we got to meet again.” Pi hears Ryo’s soft husky voice above him as he kneels at the genkan, fidgeting to get his boots on. “I thought you would have forgotten me” Pi mumbles stoically as he stands up again to leave.

“… I couldn’t…”

Pi’s already out the door when he thinks he hears that soft reply. His back is against the door and his heart is beating out of his chest, happy that he’s made a nice escape. Did he say he couldn’t? ...did he mean didn’t? ... Pi bucks his hands up to his head and tries to beat out the thoughts. What are you thinking Pi, that’s Jin’s boyfriend?!!

Ryo stands there for a while, wondering just what he said, wondering why Pi looked so angry. Shit, did I tease him too much? It’s a while before he hears the sound of rain batting the windows, and he doesn’t take a second thought, but instinctively grabs an umbrella, rushes out the door and slams it behind him.

Pi runs into a Jin that’s grinning very widely in the Jimusho the next morning, and Pi almost wants to just turn around and pretend he’s headed the wrong way, but Jin was unmistakably looking for him, and he catches up from behind and jumps at Pi with one hand on his shoulder.

“Hey, let’s go down for coffee.”

“I can’t, I’m busy.” Pi decides he has to free himself from Jin’s happiness if he wants a clear head back. Pi quickens his steps, but Jin has no intension of letting him go.

“Aw. Come on, a few minutes won’t hurt, I need your opinion about something.”

That’s what Pi was fretting the most, if Jin was gonna talk to him about his problems with his love life, Pi might as well just cut his throat right there.

Being the kind man he is, Pi lets himself be pulled down to the coffee shop downstairs after much nagging and is sat at a secluded table at the corner.

“I only have a few minutes.” Pi reminds Jin, he leans his head on his arms in front and buries his ears with his arms. “Hurry and talk.”

“He’s just perfect.” Pi realized he couldn’t block out all noises successfully, and apparently, his worst fears were coming like a storm.

“Do you think I should make a move on him?” Jin asks excitedly.

Pi looks up. “I don’t think I get what you mean…”

“Ryo, I’m thinking about really asking him out, what do you think about him?”

Pi tries to straighten his mind for a while. “You mean you guys aren’t really together? But he has keys!?”

“We are staying together, he was just staying here and helping out, cooking and cleaning around the house and stuff. And of course, teaching me English…” Jin continues innocently.

“You mean you hired him to teach you English, and he has to do all that in addition?”

Pi narrows his brows, this was all getting too confusing.

“Well no, he is staying at my place, and all the other stuff he does is the fringe benefits I get.” Jin beams.

Pi is tempted to ask Jin if sleeping together was another fringe benefit, but he asks something else he’s more troubled with. “Why did you say you guys were a couple?”

“I just wanted to get Kame angry, but now I’m starting to think Ryo is really cool, especially since Kame is truly pretty jealous now.” Jin laughs.

Pi has never gotten this enraged at someone. “WHAT JIN? This is not a game, Ryo is not a toy, when are you ever going to learn to be serious with other people’s feelings?”

“Eh? Wait Yamapi.” Pi was standing up with his hands flat on the table and back hunched. “No! you’ve misunderstood, Ryo knows about this.” Jin laughs and pushes Pi back on his seat.

Pi glares at Jin. “You mean he knows you’re using him, but he still willingly cooks for you and sleep with you?” Pi wants to swallow back those last words that flew out of his mouth. Last night, all he could see when he closed his eyes were Jin and Ryo cuddling together.

Jin smirks. “If I didn’t know you I’d think you already fell for my little friend… well, no honestly, we haven’t reached that state yet. And he cooks because he’s staying at my place for free. He offered.”

Pi’s face flushes with blood when what he was thinking almost got exposed, he grabs the glass and swallows the ice water in one gulp. “My words for you are, Jin, if it’s just fooling around you want, stay away from people you intend to keep as friends.”

Jin looks up and ponders for a minute, then smiles sheepishly at Pi. “I get it! I think I know what to do.”

Pi only gets more overwrought by Bakanishi’s dauntless smile.

thanks to all those that keep reading this fic ! XD
and commenting! totally love comments
i realised Ryo is coming out too little , so i promise more of him in the upcoming chapter which is in my head rite now.. XD
AND i'll certainly appreciate it if someone would make me a banner for my fic!!!

fanfic, ryopi, ryo

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