
Jan 05, 2010 07:56

Everyone knows I love Ryo more than myself..

well, i've found this nice auction on Yahoo!JP for 14 various Ryo's concert posters at a very attractive price.

so i asked this person, who claimed herself to be a professional bidder to help me bid.

and she agreed and everything, and further confirmed to me that she'll get it done.

which was ever so easy actually, cos only 2 ppl were competing and i was ready to pay a really high bid.

in the end, she FORGOT to bid for me!!!

and all i got was a "sorry, i forgot about it"

man!!!! the other person got the bid for 2100yen !!! and i had my max at 8000yen!!

i am soooo angry and upset for this. it's not everyday u find a bid where they have a collection of Ryo's official posters at such a price!!!

really want to cry, that person is sooo irresponsible, and she costed me something i might never come across again.
i didn't start liking Ryo until 2008 and it's like almost impossible to collect his stuff from before that.

o man.... i'm so pissed and upset i don't even know what to say.
just wanna cry  .......>_<..........

sorry for ranting here, but there was no other place for me to.
that person has basically just ignored me now after i whisked some anger at her, (which i think i'm perfectly entitled)


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