Fic: COLD finale chapter 3/3

Nov 03, 2009 13:08

亮ちゃん HaPPY 25th Birthday !

I've been slacking for a long while and haven't updated for a month+ !!!! gomen!
but actually I've been on LJ everyday :P and keeping update with everything, and how could I forget the birthday of my favourite guy on earth!!! Nishikido Ryo's Birthday!!!
In celebration, I've finally completed the fic I've been writing, hope u guys like it.

Title: Cold Part 3/3
Author: Me \(^__^ '')/ tellytelly desu
Characters: NEWS, RyoPi
Rating: PG-13 (suggestions of sex)
Disclaimer: I wish they were mine, or I were theirs...
Summary: someone gets sick and it's not fun alone


Ryo couldn’t believe he was actually such a pathetic person, on the outside people must have thought he was tough and cool and that he doesn’t have to be nice to attract a crowd that would happily kiss his ass. To uphold that image, Ryo had to stay mean, at least in public, but it was slowly eating into him and he was becoming increasingly incapable of expressing himself, the true him. In a recent interview, he was asked by the announcer whether he had any moments that he was actually lonely, who could have believed that as a celebrated handsome idol, he was in fact, always lonely. There he was now, experiencing the loneliness first hand. Sick on his bed, quarantined at home. That was why he hated holidays, if he went to work at least there were people surrounding him, attending to his this and that, coworkers to joke with or members to tease at. He hated being alone at home.

He pressed a button on the remote to turn on the TV, not at all surprised by the exaggerated news of him and Yamapi having contracted flu A and had to take some rest from work and stay at home. Some weird feeling appeared in his chest as he watched the news showing pictures of Yamapi, Ryo had finally realized the fault he had done, having played such a silly prank. He remembers that it was after that night he and Pi had kissed that Pi got all angry at him. Ryo raised his fingers to touch his lower lip, reminiscing Pi’s soft lips, how could he explain that he didn’t really plan for the “infecting” part in order to hurt Pi’s pride of being strong. The kiss was, well, Pi was the one that kissed him first, Ryo only kissed him back, how could Pi be sure whether the germ was transmitted in the first or second kiss. Ryo pouted, why should I be the one to blame? He kissed me first, I’m the victim here… His head was spinning and once again the whole story didn’t patch up. Ryo decided to give up and go back to sleep.

It was gnawing Pi from the insides, feeling terribly guilty for the words and attitude he’s given Ryo recently. He really wanted to know how Ryo felt about “them”, but Ryo never appeared to him anywhere being homosexual and suddenly he was glad Ryo didn’t grasp his prior confession, or not their relationship could have gotten all awkward and stuff.

Stranded at home, Pi turned to watch the recording of the 24 hr TV. His mother had actually recorded the whole show for him, or for herself, she liked keeping everything Pi had been in and Pi had always been grateful for such a loyal fan. Pi fast forwarded the video to the SP drama Ryo was in. Pi had decided, once and for all, that he would conceal his feelings for Ryo, in the end, the risks of losing a dear friend was much more grave than never achieving your love. He could probably stay content with watching Ryo from afar, or watching him on TV.

Tears streamed down Pi’s face as he watched the drama, he knew it, once he saw Ryo’s face, and that sad and helpless face at that, he would once again be drawn into those dark absorbing orbs and lose himself. Ryo was occupying his every thought and he needed him. He wanted to hold him and tell him how he felt, even if he was to be detested by Ryo afterwards, he needed to let him know.

“Ryo, there’s something I want to talk to you about.”


“Can I come over?”


Pi ran over to Ryo’s place as fast as his legs could carry him, Ryo wasn’t replying any messages and panic swept over Pi with a cold sweat. Ryo looked awful the previous day, yes it was only a flu, and he himself was ill too, Pi knew he was being unreasonable but, only for Ryo, he would feel uncomfortable and worried even if it were just a papercut.

Pi’s heart pounded as he waited at the door.

Open the damn door, I need to see you.

The door finally opened and Ryo stood in the gap in pajamas and a sleepy face.

“What are you doing here?” Ryo spoke in his usual interrogative tone yet he clearly appeared surprised.

“… I was bored and… apparently you were the only person I could meet legally now…” Pi wanted to punch himself for the stupid answer, why couldn’t he just push open the door and embrace Ryo.

Ryo looked at Pi with a query expression but didn’t push on further.

“ … Aren’t you supposed to be ill, you don’t look like so…”

“Are you letting me in?”

Ryo backed up and opened up the door a bit more. “I don’t see how you won’t be bored here though, there’s nothing to do here and I’m not gonna entertain you.”

Pi went in through the widened gap, starring at Ryo the whole time, he was addicted to Ryo’s attitude and face so much it was scaring him.

Ryo widened his eyes and frowned. “What?”

“… just continue doing what you were doing, I just needed the company, I’ll just sit around.” Ryo pressed his lips together. “Alright then, I’ll go back to bed.” Ryo turned to leave then turned around again. “The least you could bring some juice Pi, visiting a sick person like that…”

Ryo jumped back on his bed and pulled the blankets up to cover his grin, he really wanted to see Pi and even though Pi probably chose him out of all people to visit since he didn’t want to infect Jin and Toma etc. Ryo didn’t mind, right now he was glad Pi was here, the only person he wanted to see the most.

Pi sat at the couch looking around the room, he hadn’t been here a lot of times, but everything here felt familiar and smelt of Ryo, and it was so comforting. He wondered if true love was like that, wanting to be around the person wherever they were. It was curing to just know that Ryo was in another room sleeping, knowing he was not too ill and that he could just go in the room and marvel at him whenever he wanted to.

And Pi wanted to right that second.

“Ryo… are you sleeping?”Pi whispered.

Pi sat cross legged beside Ryo’s bed so his head rested on the mattress, in line with Ryo’s face lying sideways. Ryo was so angelic he thought, perfectly shaped face, tall nose, large eyes with long lashes, plump pale lips and perfect teeth. He couldn’t help but stare at the beauty of it.

“What are you looking at?” Ryo mumbled. Popping open his eyes and looking at Pi.

Pi almost jumped.


“You had something to say? You said so on the phone…” Ryo questioned tentatively.

Whatever it was Pi wanted to say, Ryo kinda wanted to get it over quickly, the recent few days his mind was entangled with so much Pi he wanted to free himself, whether Pi really hated him and wanted to end their friendship, or Pi wanted to punch him for spreading him his flu, he just wanted to get done with it.

“..I wanted to say sorry Ryo…”

“…and I want to tell you, I like you.”

Pi froze and looked at Ryo’s face for any response, but Ryo just laid emotionless and stared back.

Ryo smiled weakly eventually and looked at Pi, “Thank you for not telling me you hate me again, Thanks Pi, It means a lot…” He closed his eyes again with the smile upwiped.

“NO!! I mean it! listen…” Pi got a bit frantic, he lowered his voice when he realized. Ryo frowned and opened his eyes again. “Come on, you should sleep too, you don’t look yourself…” Ryo pulled Pi up so Pi laid beside him. Pi felt his heart pumping quickly as he felt Ryo breathing against his ear, he turned his eyes to glimpse at Ryo. Ryo smiled and placed an arm around Pi’s torso and leaned closer. “Good night Pi.” Ryo whispered with his head nudging into Pi’s shoulder. “let’s wake up tomorrow all healthy and well.”

It was sweet, but Pi decided he couldn’t let it stop at that, if he had the courage, it was now, he wriggled so Ryo lifted up his head and let him go, Pi then turned sideways towards Ryo.

“Ryo, I meant I like you, as in, I want us to be a couple…”

Pi tried to portray some confidence but his voice was trembling.

Ryo froze as if in shock, Pi could only wait eagerly for his answer whilst their faces were too dangerously close for his liking and temptation.

In Ryo’s head, he was finally able to patch up the story, how he and Pi got into a fight, apparently, Pi had tried to confess to him on the first night already but Ryo had been completely ignorant to it and even made it a joking matter later on. He raised his hand up to his forehead disbelieving how stupid he was. These couple of days, he had been getting more distraught by the fact that he had realized he couldn’t be without Pi, but Pi was getting increasingly detested of him it was hard to bear, his heart was blooming now to know it was otherwise. Even though Ryo had never been in a relationship with a guy, he was starting to think now after many failed attempts at love, that love was something beyond gender. Besides, he really liked Pi, a lot.

“Ryo-chan… I know it’s kinda weird for you to accept, and I know you’re not into these things, and …I never knew I was either…but…”

Pi was forced to discontinue when Ryo moved in and pressed their lips together, the kiss got more heated immediately once Pi understood he was accepted. Ryo wanted more and soon he was roaming over Pi’s body, between cough and sweat. “Ryo?” Pi pressed his hand on Ryo’s forehead and was exclaimed at the heat. “O shit, you’ve got a fever, just lie down already!”

“I don’t want it to end…” Ryo whined as he coughed. Pi smiled as he sat up and laid Ryo down on the pillow. “We won’t ever end silly.”

Ryo seemed satisfied with the answer and contently closed his eyes to sleep, head resting near Pi’s thigh. Pi brushed Ryo’s hair softly and soon fell asleep himself.

Pi woke up next morning to find Ryo not in bed, he quickly scrambled out of the room to find Ryo at the stove making breakfast. Ryo smiled widely at him. “Ohayou Pi, I’m making breakfast~” Ryo was in a happy mood.

“You’re alright already? That’s pretty fast!” Pi laughed.

“Guess my body didn’t want to wait any longer, so it decided to get well already…” Ryo smirked as he moved closer to Pi, Pi moved backwards until he was pushed against the wall, Ryo smashed their lips together and his hand wandered down Pi’s smooth muscular back.

Pi knew Ryo was an aggressive one but he didn’t mind, he was desperate to feel every inch of Ryo as well.

“What about breakfast?” Pi teased.

“I’m only hungry for you…” Ryo whispered as he pushed Pi down on the bed.


Both Ryo and Pi were back to work the next day, though, at separate places.

“Don’t you dare kiss Kitagawa-san again.”

“ (><’’) It’s my job, I don’t want to either…”

“Then I’ll go kiss Takki…”

“Hey! That’s not even in the script.”

“….That’s not fair…”

“I’ll kiss you twice as much tonight… promise.”

“Thrice plus fringe benefits.”

“Haha…alright, deal.”

The ending seems a little lame :( i was kinda at rush of finishing it in time for Ryo's birthday, hope you guys like it tho.
Please comment anyhow!
I should be posting more this week in celebration of this happy day!!!
pls stay tuned!

fanfic, ryopi

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