No Turning Back

Sep 22, 2008 23:03

Title: No Turning Back
Fandom: Lost
Characters: Locke, Sawyer, Claire, Sun, Jin, Bernard, Rose, Sayid, Charlie, Eko, Ana Lucia, Jack, Kate, Shannon, Boone, Michael, Walt, Libby, Hurley.
Spoilers: Mainly general S1 and S2, but Locke's section mentions a scene in 4x11.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The thoughts going through each character's mind during the montage at the end of Exodus, also including the tailies.
Notes: This fic is in honour of the fact that today is the anniversary of the crash of Flight 815.

Locke is the first passenger to board Flight 815. He's not sure which is worse: the indignity of having to be carried on to the plane (even if no one else saw), the thought of going back to the box company and having to face the gloating from Randy Nations when he finds out that Locke couldn't go on the walkabout after all (stupid orderly obviously didn't know what he was talking about) or the sheer frustration at not being able to reach the pamphlet he'd dropped on the floor (even though it probably wasn't that interesting anyway). He closes his eyes and reflects once more on the man who screwed everything up.

Sawyer doesn't meet anyone's eyes as he makes his way to his seat. He doesn't care about never being able to return to Australia. It's better that way, at least then he won't have to face the constant reminders of his crime that he committed a few days before the flight.
He still feels sick at the thought of the murder Hibbs had used him to commit, to settle a score. Sawyer's now beginning to doubt that he'll ever get to settle his own score with the original Sawyer.
But when he does get back, Hibbs ain't gonna know what's hit him.

As the American man helps Claire hoist her luggage into the rack, she reflects that there's no going back now. She wonders what the couple from LA are like. Malkin didn't say much about them. and she still isn't sure how far she can trust him anyway, not after all that stuff about not allowing another to raise her baby.
But she's here now. And she can't turn back.
She just hopes this couple will take good care of her baby.

Sun wonders if she's made the right decision. She was never supposed to be on this flight with Jin. By now, she should be somewhere miles away, far from her husband, her father and the life she had been leading. The car will have gone back without her now. there's no turning back.
Sun had thought there was hope for her and Jin after he'd given her the flower, reminded her of how things had been before. But his manner after he'd come back from the gents had been the same as it had been in the last days of their marriage.
Sun wonders which Jin will surface when they get off the plane.

Jin had tried not to let the man in the bad shirt intimidate him into staying with his work for Mr Paik. He'd promised his father that he'd make a new life for himself and Sun, free from the demands of his father in law
The idea had seemed so much easier before the man in the gents had given him the warning.
Jin doesn't doubt that Mr Paik would do all in his power to find them.
But he'll do whatever it takes to make a new life for Sun.

Bernard reaches out for Rose's hand as they take their seats.
"Just wait until everyone back home hears how you're cured now," he says. It had been a gamble, paying all that money to Isaac of Uluru to cure Rose. But it had paid off. She's healthy now, and they can start their new life together.
He doesn't notice that her smile doesn't quite reach her eyes.

Rose knows she's going to have to come clean at some point. Eventually Bernard will realise she's not getting better. But she doesn't want that to be now. They're still on honeymoon. let him be happy for a little longer, instead of continuing on his futile mission to cure Rose.
if it's the Lord's will that Rose should be taken, that's the way it has to be. But she doesn't want to spoil things for Bernard. Not yet.

Sayid takes out the photo of Nadia and stares at it. If what the agents had told him was true, his seven year search for Nadia was about to come to an end. He'd be with her again.
But there's always the idea in the back of his mind that it wasn't true at all.
And if that's the case, he's sacrificed his best friend Essam for nothing.

Charlie wonders what the guys from Meat Coat are going to say when he turns up without Liam. Part of the deal was that they got all of DriveSHAFT, which meant Liam too. And Charlie needs this gig. It's all about the music for him. And after everything Liam's done to Charlie, he owed him this favour.
He wishes he still had his guitar, instead of checking it like that wanker had told him. He needs it to calm his nerves.
He takes out his stash from his pocket and looks at it. Should be enough for the flight.

Eko tries not to let Charlotte malkin's words affect him as he boards the flight. Her father admitted he was a fraud. She must be in on it too. Eko doesn't believe in all that stuff about talking to dead people. They obviously got hold of some information about Yemi somewhere and are using it to get to him, to kepe him quiet about the pseudo-miracle.
How dare she tell him Yemi would see him soon? Does she not realise how much he'd give for the chance to speak to Yemi again?
Eko focuses on his anger, so he doesn't stop to ask himself how, since Yemi was shot in Nigeria, the Malkins could have found out about him at all.

Ana doesn't like flying. She hopes she'll manage to get some sleep on the way. Anything to take her mind off the moment when she sees her mother again.
"Tom" had told her it wasn't a good idea for parents and kids to work together. and if the last few months have taught her anything, it's that he's right.
She knows she and her mother will have to work hard to rebuild their relationship. But they won't be doing it from the same station. Because the only way they can make it work is if they aren't working together.
She wonders if "Tom" is still in Australia. In a way, it's a shame she can't go back and tell him he was right all along.

Jack is reminded of his wedding day, and how he'd struggled to write his vows. He doesn't know what to say now either, for his father's funeral. Or to his mother, when she asks for an excplanation. She'd sent Jack out there to bring his father home again. She hadn't thought that would be in a box. And he can't give the explanation she needs, because he doesn't understand it himself.
As he smiles politely at the bald man in the next row, he reflects that he'll probably arrive in church still not knowing what to say.

Kate doesn't blame the farmer. She knows he needed the money. She just hopes Mars makes sure that he does get the reward
She tries to ignore the curious stares from other people as Mars leads her to her seat. She knows people are wondering what she's done. For a moment she imagines the looks on all their faces if she tells them.
For a moment she wonders how things might have been if she'd left the farm earlier. She could be in Bali right now. But instead, she's here with Mars. And she has to think about the moment she sees her mother again.

Where was that damn inhaler? She's always losing them. At least, that's what Shannon focuses on in order to avoid thinking about what happened in Australia.
She guesses she always knew it would have to come to an end sooner or later, but she could have got away with it maybe a couple more times. Even Boone would probably have caught on by then.
Damn it, where was that thing?
Boone reaches into his own luggage and hands it to her. That's right. she forgot she gave it to him. Boone's come through for her again.
She knows she doesn't deserve it. But she also knows she'll never have to imagine a time when Boone won't be there for her.

Even as Boone hands the inhaler to Shannon, he thinks about how once again, he's taking care of her. It would do her good to take some responsibility for once. He should just start letting her take care of herself.
Shannon was wrong about one thing. They couldn't go back to how they were. Everything's out in the open now. It's not possible to go back.
When they get back, things are going to change. Shannon can stand on her own two feet for once.
Yeah, right. Boone knows this resolve will last even less time than it will take to get back to LA.

Michael doesn't know what to say. Whatever he tries, Walt just doesn't answer. It might have been all right if it was just that trivial argument about the TV. But he can't be sure how much Walt heard of his argument with his mother. And if he had heard that, Michael has to admit he doesn't blame Walt.
He remembers Susan's smug lawyer commenting on how little Michael knew about Walt. he realises the truth of this now. He doesn't know how he can take care of this kid when he doesn't even know him.
He's got the rest of the flight to try and make sense of it all. Hopefully, he'll manage to get a few words out of Walt before they land.

Walt doesn't want to go on to New York with this man he doesn't know. But he knows he can't go back either, not to Brian. He heard every word of the conversation. He knows it was all a lie about Michael wanting custody, that Brian didn't either. Whether he goes forward or back, he ends up with a man who doesn't want him.
While he's on the plane, it's easy for him to pretend that the new life isn't going to happen. He doesn't want the plane ever to land in America.
No one ever told him to be careful what he wished for.

Libby had to look twice to be sure. But yes, it was him. That was the man from Santa Rosa.
She'd remembered him particularly because he'd kept talking to someone called Dave. She'd kept seeing her husband, David, at the same time, and had wondered whether he could see him too.
Libby tries to remember the man's name, but realises she can't. Most of Santa Rosa is a blur.
Not that it matters really. She's just got this one flight with the guy, and then she's never going to see him again.

Hurley is the last to board Flight 815. He'd seriously though there that he wasn't going to make it, what with the power cut, the car and the patronising woman at check in, all "dear" this and "dear" that.
He wonders if his father really is going to be there when he gets back. He wouldn't bet on it. A little thing like Carmen's birthday had never bothered him before.
It's lucky he made this flight. He doesn't like to think of Carmen's reaction if he had missed her birthday, especially if David really has gone. Hurley's absence would be the last straw.
And he still doesn't know the whole truth about the numbers, he thinks. Guess now he never will.

On September 22, 2004, 324 passengers boarded Flight 815.
None of them knew that there was no turning back.

lost: eko, lost: boone carlyle, lost: libby smith, lost: kate austen, lost: charlie pace, lost: walt lloyd, lost: sun kwon, lost: bernard nadler, lost: rose henderson, lost: ana lucia cortez, lost: john locke, lost: sawyer, lost: claire littleton, lost: michael dawson, lost: sayid jarrah, lost: jack shephard, lost: jin kwon, lost: hurley reyes, lost: shannon rutherford

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