More Fannish 50 ramble

Jul 11, 2024 01:36

Yes, I did say I would get back to this.

We've all been there. We've all had theories, thought we knew where a show was going with a plotline, maybe even written about it, and then surprise! Canon has gone in a different direction. It's something that came up on a facebook discussion post following the season finale of Pretty Little Liars: Summer School - this finale got quite a bit of dislike, and someone was suggesting that a part of this may have been because people came up with so many theories, when the actual episode aired and went in a different direction, people were disappointed with that.

While I can't say my disappointment with that was any relation to any particular theory I had, it was an argument I could relate to other shows. While I did call Riverdale's Charles as the killer, I still think a better way of doing it would have been for him to replicate Jughead's story to kill Honey, framing Jughead and Betty, and considering it revenge on FP and Alice for giving him up while he was at it. Hiram as the principal's killer in the parents' flashback, happening in such a way that he could allow Hermione to believe it was her, have been holding that over her head for years and that was why she never left him, also made more sense to me than what we got (and bonding over that theory was what helped me become friends with a new apprentice coworker who at that point had been too afraid of ex-boss Umbridge to speak much, so some good did come out of that one even if it was jossed). And yes, even five years on I still think that The Flash's Eobard manipulating Nora to give Barry the metahuman cure, and a finale showing a broken 2049 timeline that Nora had to fix, would have been a better season finale than Cicada-bollocks. Sorry not sorry.

Anyone ever experienced that disappointment when canon's gone in a totally different way?
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