(no subject)

Apr 03, 2024 22:36

1. He’d never acclimatise to this world. (FROM, Victor on escape from the town)
2. She’s here? Maybe there is hope. (Legacies, Penelope when Josie arrives in Belgium)
3. The fashion police arrest Raggedy Doctor. (Doctor Who, Amy pranks Eleven)
4. She’s always felt like something’s missing. (Dark, Katharina in final timeline)
5. When, exactly, had they become friends? (Lucifer, Lucifer on Dan)
6. “I wanted you to need me.” (Yellowjackets, Misty when confronted over destroying the black box)
7. “You dare take away MY choices?” (How Batwoman’s Alice should really have reacted to Ocean).
8. “It’s better it’s me than her.” (Hunger Games’ Mags on volunteering for Annie)
9. You should have been my last. (Vampire Diaries, Caroline on Klaus’s death)
10. Together, the guys proved Gretchen wrong. (The Wilds on the Twilight of Adam experiment)

There are quite a few of these I'd love to expand on - I did tackle 7 in the moment of frustration at where the story was going when that particular Batwoman storyline aired - https://archiveofourown.org/works/31510913 - come on, it made no sense that Alice would consider a reconciliation with Ocean the Dickhead there. 2 is one I've been considering for ages, 4 more recently. So will someone please tell me why I have just spent time working on a continuation to something I'd always said would be a one shot? (even though it's one I've been unsure for a while about whether it should be a one shot or not, it does end with someone having just found out he broke the timeline, after all!)
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