Quick Fannish 50 ramble

Mar 19, 2024 01:27

Yes, I am determined to be better at these!

We've all got one. Whether it's a character you actively can't stand, or it's not quite that strong but they're really not a favourite, we all have the characters we're not fans of. So, does anyone ever write the characters they don't like? if so, do you feel that it makes those fics not your best?

If you know me well, or even if you don't really but have read my posts on Snowflake or something, you'll probably know that I'll try just about any character at least once. Also if you know me well, you'll know that the character that really set me off was The Man In Black/Smokey McSmokeFace/Esau/What's His Face Bastard on Lost (I've used all those at least once for him, I don't use Samuel because it was only ever a casting call name and I don't care what may have been said on a YouTube video, Barry is not an ancient Roman name so I don't acknowledge that one). I never used to have any issues with him and would write him quite happily at one point, until the episode that wiped out my het pairing and one half of my slash pairing, through the actions of this ass. At that point, What's His Face and I were done professionally - this lasted about 2 months, until the old Lost Summer Luau on LJ, where someone's prompt just screamed him, and I put my feelings on him aside. This was the result: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45159793 (ignore the date, it was actually written in 2010, just crossposted last year)

I was thinking about that again earlier while trying to finish off the Moods challenge for and that ended up suggesting Dark's Hannah, another character who's not as bad as Smokey, but not really a favourite, she was a shit to a few other characters (that may come up in another Fannish 50 ramble about show endings, but that's for another day) - the result was https://archiveofourown.org/works/54568450

Other times I just have nothing to say about these characters at all - Malik from Elite, for example, is one I doubt I'll ever do anything more with than a casual mention in one fic of his ex having blocked him everywhere long since. One I had trouble with was Harry Potter and the Cursed Child's Delphi, who I felt had to appear in an alternate version where Albus and Scorpius accidentally bring Cedric back to 2020, but I didn't know what to do with her. In the end, I figured that one was really Cedric's story, and Albus and Scorpius's, but didn't really need to get that far into Delphi's head, so she remained a peripheral character. https://archiveofourown.org/works/8005297
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