(no subject)

Aug 10, 2023 01:05

Expect a lot more random ramble fandom discussion throughout August while there's a break from lands_of_magic, so I'm going to start with one from June Something (a lot of which didn't grab me for some reason this year, but some of the bonus questions did)

What piece of fanfiction would you like to see turned into canon? BONUS: If you're a writer or artist, what work of YOURS would you like to see canon?

I'm going to focus on my own here.

The One That Might Be Canon Some Day: Yellowjackets, And The World Has Changed So Much Since You've Been Gone (Jeff-centric)


So apparently there's a plan for season 3 of Yellowjackets to explore what happens once the surviving characters are found and return home, but nothing's been said about showing the time back home immediately after the crash, the response to it. The most we've seen so far is a news clip, and that was in Ben's "Movie In My Mind" dream sequence and can therefore be discounted as any kind of representation of what happened. But there is scope to explore Jeff's version of events as he makes an off the cuff venting remark to Randy about wishing something would happen so he didn't have to choose between Jackie and Shauna, and then a couple of hours later finding out the plane is missing, how things go down at school in those first few weeks, how Jeff gets bugged by reporters until his father gets involved and tells them to piss off.

(This was written when I'd not long since finished S1, before S2 aired, and the whole time I'd be watching Jeff and Kevyn's interactions over the Adam Martin murder case, I'd keep thinking "You shouldn't be this snappy with each other! You were comforting each other in the locker rooms after the crash!" even though that was just in that fic and never happened in canon.)

The One Where Canon Fucked It Up So Badly It Needs To Be Scrapped And Replaced: Batwoman, Choices (Alice) https://archiveofourown.org/works/31510913

Okay, so I vented about this storyline where I explained why Alice/Ocean from Batwoman is my absolute NoTP. I will explain that this one wasn't intended as a fix it fic in the first place, because at the time of writing, it is how I really thought it was going to go down.

Alice is aware that Kate is alive but believes herself to be Circe Sionis, and is trying to obtain the password from Enigma that will unlock Kate's real memories, however Ocean snaps Enigma's neck before she can give it to Alice, claiming he's doing it because HE considers Kate toxic, because HE doesn't want her around Alice. And in canon, she still forgives him.

Er, excuse me? What is this bollocks? What about Alice's right to make the choice for herself?

Consider Alice's history. She was held captive for years. For years, she was deprived of making any choices for herself, and now she's free, this dick thinks it's acceptable behaviour to take away choice from Alice again. And she takes him back? I'm sorry, but that makes no sense to me. Sloppy, sloppy writing. So that is why I wish the way I had tackled it had been the real canon.

The Crossover: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1039238 Whatever Happened, Happened (Fringe/Lost, Walter and Daniel) Because, come on. Daniel Faraday and Walter Bishop totally should have known each other. This idea was turning round in my mind from the moment I made the connection that Walter had been in an institution in the same town where Daniel had been living before boarding the freighter, even if it only really came together properly in s3 of Fringe.

Honourable mention to https://archiveofourown.org/works/685943 When You Try Your Best, But You Don't Succeed (Lost/Once Upon a Time, Jack and August) - to rescue the ultimate "I Think This Flashback's Mostly Filler" episode.

The Wasted Opportunity: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17945270/chapters/42379562 Reverse Flashpoint (The Flash, Eobard and Nora) - I always think long and hard before linking this one, since at the time it was written, there was a troll called 0 in this fandom who was annoying people asking for requests, then leaving multiple identical rude comments for anyone who didn't take the requests up, and 0 had really let rip on this one. But the fact is, (as well as 0 being the best pseudonym for this person because I chose in the end to look at this person as being totally irrelevant) I do think this is the way that canon should have gone. It had just been revealed that Nora was working with Eobard to help her find a way from preventing Barry's disappearance in 2024. At the same time, the metahuman cure had just been found. What could have made more sense than Eobard manipulating Nora into giving Barry the cure, and the end being a future timeline that Nora then had to fix after realising what she had done? Maybe the writers would have handled the plot differently - maybe their Team Flash would have been less fractured, maybe their Barry would have been harder on Nora (a piece of 0 criticism which, at the time, I wouldn't have acted on on principle because it was 0. I have asked myself since if he should have been harder -I wrote that chapter before he actually found out about Nora and Eobard in canon, so didn't have his canon reaction to work with - but ultimately decided not to rewrite.) I would have been interested in seeing how they would have dealt with it. More interested than I was in Cicada.

The Show Axed Too Soon: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47136331 (1899, Eyk/Maura) - how I think a second season would have gone.

Honourable mention to https://archiveofourown.org/works/15819789 (Dead of Summer, Jessie, Blair and Drew) - I know the original plan was for Deb's time in the past if there had been a second season, but I was always more interested in the idea of Blair and Drew reopening the camp in the present day and Jessie thinking it was a horrible idea.
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