Few more 3 sentence ficathon

Feb 05, 2022 01:16

Lost seems to have ended up becoming a theme for me this time around. Larry Does Lockdown latest was also one of these for the ficathon although posted separately since some of you like Larry!

Any, any, silver in the blood

When Allison Argent was a young child, at one time she’d tried to convince her friends that she had silver in her blood because her last name was Argent, the French word for silver.

At the time, of course, she had been unaware of her family’s history of hunting werewolves; now that Aunt Kate has filled her in, Allison realises there may have been more to her childhood joke than she had understood at the time.

Although being a werewolf hunter runs through the veins of her family’s blood, now Allison has got to know Scott and Isaac, she now doesn’t think she wants to be one.

any, any, birthday cake

“You jump up on the table and put your pawprints all over that birthday cake,” Larry meowed at Gladstone.

It really took the piss, the way the rest of the country was sticking to the rules in lockdown, unable to celebrate with their families, while his housemate was getting a surprise birthday party in Downing Street, complete with birthday cake.

Larry, meanwhile, was going to jump on the kitchen counter and knock all the glasses of wine onto the floor - cats gonna cat, after all, and the cats deserved a little fun of their own.

Any, any, professional mermaids (i.e. wearing a mermaid tail costume)

Helping him with the curse had seemed like a good idea at the time, but as Ursula saw Rumple now, she struggled not to punch him in the face.

If she really had to be a children’s entertainer as her cursed alter ego, did it really have to involve wearing a goddamn mermaid costume, the tail she was forced to wear every day reminding her of her past as a mermaid and the betrayal by Hook and by her father in their desire to steal her singing voice?

This plan to make sure villains got their happy ending had better be good, because Ursula was done with faking a smile as she posed for photos with annoying little brats.

Any, any, not quite fate

When Eko hears Claire talking to Locke about the psychic back in Australia who had told her she must not allow another to raise her baby, and wondering if he had sent her on Flight 815 knowing it was going to crash, he realises she is talking about the same man he had met shortly before boarding, the man who had confessed to Eko that he was a fraud.

He briefly considers telling Claire his own history with Richard Malkin, but decides against it. It will not do anything for Claire explaining that this was most likely not fate after all, but coincidence that had brought her here, just as it was coincidence that had led both Eko and Claire to meet the man.

any, any, unexpectedly meeting a friendly Labrador retriever (no animal death or harm, please)

Ben doesn’t know where the Labrador came from when it first appears in the DHARMA compound; DHARMA doesn’t use them in experiments, and no one who lives there has ever had a Labrador for as long as Ben’s lived there; yet the Labrador looks well cared for and as though he must have someone looking after him.

For the next three years, the Labrador comes and visits him on and off, seeming to know exactly when he needs a friend after Roger gets drunk and yells at him again, until the Incident that happened while he was recovering from getting shot by that Hostile man; a few of their people had disappeared after that and Ben wonders if his Labrador friend had disappeared with them.

He still thinks of the Labrador often in the years that go by, then in 2004, when Ethan Rom returns from infiltrating the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 and mentions that a golden Labrador retriever was on board, Ben can’t help but think of the friend he made in 1974.

lost: eko, lost: claire littleton, ouat: ursula, lost: ben linus, teen wolf: allison argent, lost: vincent

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