Title: The Man From DHARMA
Fandom: Lost
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Ben, Richard, Ethan, Tom, Jacob, original characters Isaac Alpert and ex-Dharma member Philip.
Summary: How Ben became the leader of the Others, and his struggle to remain so.
The man from DHARMA )
Hey again!
I knew you would appreciate the Richard
You know me, I'll
read anything with Richard in! ^_~
Actually, I'm
currently working on a story with him and Ben as the main characters.
I came up with this plot before 4x11 was
shown and I did wonder afterwards whether the previous leader could
actually have moved the island and that is why they are no longer
leader...I prefer this idea though!
I suppose it is possible. Though, I agree, I liked your way better.
Plus, who is to say there hasn't been numerous leaders before Ben? I
strongly believe Widmore was an island leader once.
Isaac come off as a total tosser to you? I did worry afterwards that
he seemed a bit that way, no one's given me bad feedback about him
No, I thought he
seemed perfectly fine. I think his reactions towards Ben etc. were
natural for anyone in his position. Actually, in a way, he did remind
me of Ben. Just not quite so insane! *lol*
Was weird though, i deliberately gave him
the name of Isaac because of the notion of sacrifice in the Bible
(trying to think like the writers here) but at the time I had the
idea, I hadn't known that Heroes Isaac was going to end up
sacrificing himself. I wasn't copying that, seriously!
You know, I
didn't even think of Issac from Heroes until you mentioned him, so I
don't think you were copying at all. I just reasoned you used that
name for the reasons you stated above - Biblical figure, who
was going to end up sacrificing himself. Plus, Heroes' choice for the
name had to be inspired by the same reasons.
Talk to you soon!
Clare x
Oh, btw, I LOVE
your icon *drools* I'll have to remember to re-upload all my Richard
icons. I had to get rid of a ton of pics, because my paid account
expired, but I've got one again now, so it's many icons for me! ^_~
I have no space for any more icons right now and don't want to delete any, but would kind of like another Richard one!
Maybe I found myself in Ben's headspace when I wondered if Isaac was an arse? Scary thought!
Okay, can I steal it? You can steal any of mine when I upload some more and you have more room. ^_~
*lol* Imagine that, being in Ben's headspace!! That is such a freaky thought!!
Freaky indeed!
I only said freaky because, although Ben is an awesome character, it'd be so strange to be in his head. Imgine all the weird stuff he thinks about! *lol*
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