Title: Spilt Milk
Characters: Daniel, Jeanette Lewis, Charlotte.
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for S5 only.
Summary: Written for
lost_in_108 prompt #94: tip. Daniel wonders if little Charlotte somehow recognises him when she appears scared of him.
As Jeanette Lewis talks to Daniel about what a friendly community DHARMA is and how it won’t be long before he and his friends settle in, three year old Charlotte walks up to the table and tips the contents of the milk jug into Daniel’s lap.
Jeanette hastily apologises, says she doesn’t know what got into Charlotte, helps Daniel clean himself up.
But all Daniel can think of is what Charlotte had said to him before she died - “There was this man, a crazy man, he really scared me... Daniel, I think that man was you.” And he wonders whether somehow, this version of Charlotte can also remember.