This Is The Hour I Swore I'd See

Aug 04, 2010 23:02

Title: This Is The Hour I Swore I'd See
Characters: Nikki, Rose, Danielle, Charlotte, Ilana, Eloise, Juliet, Claire, Sun, Libby, Alex, Naomi, Ana Lucia, Shannon, Penny, Kate.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers up to The End.
Summary: For insanityjones, who requested badass bitches at lostsquee Summer Luau. A drabble on all the female characters who ever achieved main character status, plus Danielle, Alex and Naomi, at a badass moment in their lives.

See, I’m more than just a pretty face, Nikki felt like saying when everyone seemed so surprised that she was the one who worked out how the TVs in the Pearl station worked. Still, sometimes it worked to her advantage when people saw her as a dumb blonde. No one ever saw it coming when she got the better of them. Including Paulo. She’d got him to kill Zukerman without getting her own hands dirty. He still thought that they’d start a new life together once they found the diamonds. But once they got rescued, she’d find some way to lose him. She didn’t need him any more.

No one really expected her to do it, Rose could tell. But she meant it when she said she’d have punched Jack in the face if he’d dared to say “live together, die alone”.

She should have known Jack’s plan wasn’t going to work. When had anything he planned ever worked before, after all? All Rose has cared about since being here is being with Bernard and being healthy. And she doesn’t understand why there were only two explosions, but she knows that something’s wrong. And if she never sees Bernard again because Jack wouldn’t let her wait, she thinks, she really will punch him in the face.

How dare that man refer to Alex as his daughter? Danielle thinks. And how dare he call her that in front of Danielle, especially after having just admitted to her that he stole her as a baby?

Alex has believed all her life that Linus was her father; she has only just met Danielle, and it is natural that she will still feel some bond towards Linus and apprehension towards her. The fact that she has hit him will probably not help Alex feel comfortable around her.

She’s not sorry she hit him in the face, either time. But she is sorry that Alex had to witness it.

Daniel doesn’t understand why Charlotte just whacked Kate over the head. He wouldn’t. He’s not a former DHARMA Initiative member like her, and he doesn’t know what happened in the Purge.

Abaddon hadn’t told her much, just that her father had been among those killed when the Initiative’s presence on the island was wiped out by the Hostiles in 1992. It was Naomi who had mentioned that Linus had used poison gas before, and Charlotte had realised that must have been how her father had died.

And this idiot wanted to stop her disabling the gas?

Charlotte couldn’t save her father now. But she could prevent another Purge.

She ought to have given him a kick in the head for the prostitute comment alone, Ilana thought. Even if Jacob hadn’t needed this asshole to be brought back to the island, and he hadn’t warned her that Jarrah was likely to be the most difficult, she’d still have been tempted. Not even for Jacob was she prepared to take this crap from anyone.

Ilana hoped that there wouldn’t be a need for Jacob to be replaced at all, that she’d get back there in time to prevent anything happening to him. But Jarrah was where he needed to be, which was a step in the right direction.

Eloise had to admit it gave her some satisfaction as she struck Richard, causing him to stumble to the floor before he could forcibly prevent her from running back to camp, where she hoped the body of her son wouldn’t still lie. She had to know whether the plan had worked. If Richard hadn’t knocked her unconscious and carried her away from the bomb, she would have made damn sure it did.

She was their leader. She was supposed to be the one making the decisions. How dare Charles and Richard make this one for her? If it hadn’t worked because Eloise wasn’t there, she couldn’t forgive them.

Juliet knew the plan could work. She was one of the few who had proper medical knowledge in their community; the rest of them had only the basics, which was why Jack was needed in the first place. If Jack killed Ben and she said it was an accident, they’d believe her. Why wouldn’t they? They’d never prove anything else, and besides, they trust her here.

If Ben wasn’t around, things could be different. There would be no one keeping her there against her will; she could go home to Rachel at last.

But it had to look like an accident. They could never suspect she was involved.

One by one, one by one.

They’ve got Aaron. They must have; her father says they took him, and her friend told her he actually saw them do it. They say they don’t have him, but Claire knows they’re lying. They’ve tried to take her, too; they took her to some temple place where a crazy Japanese guy ducked her underwater like a witch or something.

She’s asked them over and over again where Aaron is, but never gets a straight answer. So she has no choice.

With every one Claire kills, she knows she’s doing it for Aaron. Why should she show mercy?

They haven’t to her.

This will be the last time my father patronises me, Sun thinks as he tells her she wouldn’t understand the problems with the company. And then to talk of her baby, as though he actually cares, and as though that is all there is to Sun now that she is pregnant.

That is how she has been treated all her life, as though she must be subservient to her father just because she is a woman. But now, she has proved to her father that she is someone to be respected at last. He will not like it. But Sun doesn’t care. This is what she must do.

Libby can tell no one’s expecting it when she turns around and says what she’s really thinking. They’re not used to seeing her lose her temper. But this needed saying. Who does Neil think he is, talking about her as though she’s some kind of possession to be fought over, as though she doesn’t get any say in the matter, as though she’s not even a person with thoughts and opinions?

He talks about letting a real man get his chance with her. But Hurley’s a hundred times the man Neil is. He respects her, and by not letting Neil talk about her like that, Libby’s respecting herself.

Alex looks at the man who’s raised her, and wonders if she ever knew him at all. It had sickened her when her people had taken Littleton with the idea of taking her baby and raising it as their own; she knew she could never forgive Ben for what he had done to Karl.

Now she understands that the reason she had identified with the prisoners was because she had been effectively a prisoner herself; stolen from her real mother, Danielle, and kept from her all her life. As she helps her mother tie Ben up, Alex reflects that their roles are reversed; Alex is the stronger now.

Naomi wants to laugh to herself as she’s telling Desmond the story of how she was hired by his girlfriend to find him. The fool actually seems to be buying it.

She hadn’t known whether she’d actually need that cover story she’d come up with after Abaddon had warned her that Penelope was looking for the island. But it’s worked; she’s gained their trust. Hopefully, they’ll lead her right to Linus and she can get him onto the freighter before she gets lumbered with babysitting that bunch of idiots Abaddon’s landed on her despite their lack of training. She’ll be able to tell Widmore she’s proved her worth.

“Bitch,” the guy had cursed as Ana Lucia had wrestled him to the ground.

“That’s Officer Bitch to you,” Ana had smirked as she’d snapped the handcuffs on.

Ana thinks back now to her first arrest, of how proud she’d felt to be a police officer back then. And she remembers the day she’d shot Jason McCormack, and how as she’d pulled the trigger, she’d thought of how she was doing this for her baby, and how nothing else had mattered.

But she’s prouder now of her decision to walk away from killing Gale, of realising that it was not for her to dictate who lived or died.

This is for Boone, Shannon thinks as she points the gun at Locke.

She’d spent the last three years of her life believing she was getting revenge on him and his mother for the fact that Sabrina had conned her out of her inheritance. Now, too late, she’s realised none of that matters. But there’s one last thing she can do for Boone to make up for all she’s done; kill John Locke.

She knows she can never take it back if she pulls the trigger. But that’s fine. This is the only way she can make up for the fact Boone was on the island at all.

They’d argued about it, not long before the boat set sail.

“Why are you doing this?” Penny’s father had asked. “This is the man who left you because he was a coward. And you’re giving up everything to search for this man?”

But Penny knew that it was what she had to do. Her father had kept them apart long enough. And now she knew what he’d been keeping from her all these years about the island, she also knew how.

Her father had controlled her all these years, from the day he’d first taken her to live with him. Now Penny’s taking control of her own destiny.

As Kate stands with her finger on the trigger, she thinks of all the people that monster has hurt. She thinks of Ji Yeon, how she and Sun will never be reunited and how Jin never got to meet her. She thinks of Claire, of how her supposed friend has tortured her all these years over Aaron’s absence. She thinks of Jack, trying to save them all. And she remembers Sayid, how he gave his life for his friends at the last.

As she pulls the trigger, Kate thinks of how this final act has avenged all her friends. He’s gone, and he can never hurt anyone again.

lost: eloise hawking, lost: charlotte lewis, lost: libby smith, lost: kate austen, lost: alex rousseau, lost: sun kwon, lost: ilana verdansky, lost: rose henderson, lost: ana lucia cortez, lost: danielle rousseau, lost: nikki fernandez, lost: penny widmore, lost: claire littleton, lost: naomi dorrit, lost: juliet burke, lost: shannon rutherford

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