Tales from the Tail Section

Jul 14, 2010 23:15

Title: Tales from the Tail Section
Characters: Eko, Bernard, Ana Lucia, Cindy, Goodwin, Libby.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers for The Other 48 Days only.
Summary: Written for volcanicpwnage, who requested The Tailies at lostsquee Summer Luau. A drabble centred on each Tailie, plus Goodwin, set during The Other 48 Days.

That night was not the first time Eko had killed, but it was the first time he had felt remorse.

His people had tried to justify his actions to him; Libby pointed out that he was just trying to defend himself, and defend them all. But none of them could ever possibly understand.

Eko had always done what he had to do to protect Yemi. And now he was gone, there was only one thing Eko could do: be the good person that the Malkin girl told him Yemi knew he was.

Yet with that one action, Eko had potentially destroyed whatever faith Yemi still had in him.

Bernard wonders if he is a fool to still retain hope.

He’d feel it if Rose had died. And when Eko was talking, he’d said that he’d pulled the bodies out of the water himself, and he hadn’t seen an African-American woman.

But the others…they just seem to have given up, accepted their fate. The crazy thing is, that even after everything that Goodwin’s people have done to them, the thing that’s frightened Bernard most since the crash is seeing their leader, Ana Lucia, cry.

But Bernard’s determined he won’t lose hope. If that voice on the radio really was another survivor, then Rose could have survived too.

Ana had resented the quiet guy at one time, although she wouldn’t have said so. He kills two of them and everyone’s all sympathetic, whereas she tries to protect them all and gets crapped on?

She’s doing it for them, to keep them all safe. And it’s not like any of the rest of them were gonna step up. (Besides, who would follow a guy who doesn’t even speak?)

Goodwin’s the only one who understands, she thinks. Even if he thinks she’s being hard on Nathan, he gets why she’s doing it.

But when she knows his true identity, Ana realises she can’t rely on anyone. Even herself.

Libby’s told her not to blame herself, but Cindy can’t help it.

She’d been the one to greet them on the plane. They’re travelling alone, their father had said. Keep an eye on them, make sure they’re okay on their first long-haul flight.

And then Eko had entrusted them into her care on that first night. Cindy was supposed to keep them safe, damn it, and she couldn’t even manage that.

Libby said that they were determined to take them, and there was probably nothing Cindy could have done differently. But it’s the “probably” that sticks in her mind. They’re out there, scared, because she’s let them down.

In some ways, it’s a relief for Goodwin to be with these people, away from Harper, away from Juliet. It gives him space to think about what he really wants.

He’s flogging a dead horse with Juliet, he knows that now. She’s always going to choose Rachel. But Ana’s chosen him. She opens up where Juliet never will. And if Ben spent any time with her, he’d see that too. How can he really get a sense of who she is just based on Mikhail’s stupid file?

The kids are already beginning to see that they’re in a better place now. Soon he’ll have convinced Ana Lucia too.

She’s spent all her time on this island comforting others. Eko won’t open up to Libby, but she’ll keep on trying.

Cindy’s constantly needing reassurance that there was no way she could have saved the kids from being taken, Bernard needs someone to boost his hope that his wife is alive, Ana needs to know that she’s doing the right thing with Nathan.

And there’s nothing Libby can do to help any of them.

With Donald, there had been nothing she could have done, not here with no medical facilities. But she’d talked to him, kept him calm.

“That did help, Libby,” Cindy says. “You helped after all.”

lost: eko, lost: ana lucia cortez, lost: goodwin stanhope, lost: libby smith, lost: cindy chandler, lost: bernard nadler

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