Some Tamer sent this through the mail service without an address. It's been through a few post offices already; I guess someone at the Chess Kingdom office thought it was too cute to just throw out. I figured it wouldn't do any harm to upload it. So I had a look around the networks for someone matching the description and got this frequency, hope it's the right kid because I've set up replies to forward to her.
- post office anon
Chess Kingdom: Croquet ground for Queen Chessmon's annual croquet tournament.
[Tiny writing is tiny and all over every bit of space that isn't for the address, stamp, etc. Jenny tries to get more bang for her buck!]
Postcards are really expensive here in the Chess Kingdom, so I didn't know who to send this to. I didn't want any of my friends to feel left out! So I thought I'd just send it off and see where it ends up.
Whoever's ended up with this, my name's Jenny, and I'm a Tamer here, my partner's a Commandramon named Donna. We travel through this big wide digital world, a new place every week.
This week we've been in the Chess Kingdom, where we've been learning how to play croquet. It's been hard because most of the Chessmon here can't talk, but I think we've got the hang of it now learning from imitation. It's fun! Donna's really good, and she gets so competitive. She's even been beating a few of the Chessmon that've been coming for years.
There's a few odd traditions associated with this tournament I haven't been able to get much of an explanation for. Maybe they've been handed down for so long they've lost all meaning. One is that a lot of the Chessmon are dressed as playing cards for some reason. It's not like they've been reenacting live card games or anything. And there's a white Bitmon running about late for everything. Running is a lot of fun but I don't know why he doesn't just get up earlier. You get more out of your day that way!
Apparently this is an annual tournament held by Queen Chessmon, but the Chess Kingdom's a great place to visit even without the croquet. They're all really welcoming here since not many Tamers drop by. At least, I think they're being welcoming.
I hope to write to you again, mystery postcard recipient!