Sep 25, 2011 17:46
yes, I believe in avoiding all vaccines.Wounds should be cleaned and carefully treated- epsom salt soaks and liberal applications of bacitracin ointment are time consuming, but they work.
Vaccines are often given as a time saver and convenience- which is the wrong reason to give a medicine.
Vaccines have a nasty kick- sometimes so far down the road, that it's hard to establish cause and effect, but as cancer and diabetes go epidemic in my generation, among people whose parents did not get those diseases,I think it's time to seriously question the premises upon which everything that's been done to us medically are based.
Disease builds the immune system.
Dirt builds the immune system. The CDC has actually said that children should be allowed to play in the dirt- finally- a sensible statement from our gov't!!
Pets, in the first year of a child's life, reduce the chance of animal allergies- you have to be exposed to life to survive it.
Articles on the antibiotic problem have mentioned the anti-bacterial household cleaners are part of the problem.
I understand the emotional basis that led to the development of vaccines. My mom was one of 17 kids, one of 7 who lived to adulthood. It's got to be traumatic to lose all those siblings. I'll bet lots of researchers and doctors of her generation lost a sibling or cousin to a childhood disease ( though their families were probably smaller to start.
It was the most natural thing in the world for them to want to wipe out disease.
the world is interconnected. Nature is a sensible, interactive system.
some people die. it is very sad, but it works. The weak died in childhood. The strong lived long enough to reproduce.It made all of humanity stronger. It improved our chances for survival as a species.
Now, most people live long enough to reproduce. We've got a lot of people dying in their 40's and 50's of immune disorders. I believe, if we continue on this course, the human race will soon be extinct.This is stupid.
It is not the place of scientists to mess with what nature or g_d has designed.
Do you know why we have genetically engineered crops? Because scientists think they can improve upon Nature.
Do you know why there is mad cow disease? Because ranchers thought they knew better than the cow what the cow should be eating. Cows eat grass. If you feed them sheep brains, they can get mad cow disease. If you feed them grain, you get a heavier cow for making $$$$, but you also get more cholestrol in the meat.
There are a lot of theories of where AIDS came from.
In The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS they said that needles in vaccination programs in Africa were re-used until they broke. Our science knew by then not to re-use needles without sterilizing in between. Science knew other diseases could be spread through shared blood. But the people doing these programs believed that their goals- to vaccinate as many people as possible, as cheaply as possible, were more important than other goals- like medical hygiene.
Another theory of AIDS is the unrecognized retrovirus in the polio vaccine.
Another theory has to do with a clinic in NYC that mostly treated gay men. The clinic experimented with polio vaccine in the treatment of hepatitis. SURPRISE!!
These guys were already having health problems, with the hepatitis.It was a time in America before 'safe' sex and of drug popularity, which is also bad for the immune system.
This epidemic was probably caused by well-meaning medical people who only wanted to help people.
We've got to stop messing with Nature, while there's still time.