Feb 11, 2019 22:59
So the question on my mind today is, "Why do I resist doing the things I know are good for me?"
The more I push myself to exercise, or to at least stretch, the more I avoid doing it. Same with practicing the violin, same with being fiscally responsible about lunch at work (the more I tell myself I should bring and eat leftovers, the more I want to run to a restaurant), same with just about everything that falls under the categor of "should".
Do I feel that these "should"s originate outside of myself, and thus feel a desire to rebel against them? Maybe I need to reflect on whether or not they're really coming from within me.. and if they are, why are they important to me.
I'll start with the stretches... I should regularly stretch my neck and back because it helps keep me from being in pain. I don't like being in pain.. it hurts! Nobody else is going to care about whether or not I'm sore, stiff, or outright in pain. Other than my chiropractor, nobody is even going to really know if my muscles are more tight from lack of stretching. Does he care? I think he wants to see me happy and not in pain. So he's not imposing this "should" on me. I go to see him because it's my choice to do so.. because I want to be in less pain and he helps with that. I'm the one that wants to not be in pain, so I'm the one that wants me to do the stretches. I need to remember that. I'm the one I'm hurting when I avoid this "should".