1. Think of the first word that comes to mind when you think of me.
2. Go to
http://images.google.com and search for that word.
3. Reply to this post with one of the pictures on the first page of results -- don't tell me the word.
4. Put this in your own blog so that I can do the same.
Um. Oh. About my last entry. First, let me apologise to any capital letters I may have inadvertantly offended. (I'm told capital letters - indeed, letters generally, don't have feelings... but I don't want to take my chances. You never know when these things are going to come back and bite you in the ass.)
In fact, just ignore anything I may have done or said on the day that entry was written. I, uh. Wasn't quite myself.
Long story. Suffice to say, I'm never eating potato ever again.