Sep 04, 2006 18:42
Everyone I know and a lot of people I don't know have commented on the death of Steve "The Crocodile Hunter" Irwin, which, with the time difference, happened about twenty-one hours ago in Australia. Now, I feel that any accidental death is certainly a sad thing... but think about it. This guy was world famous for doing something he enjoyed immensely. He was all about animals, and turned that into not only a vocation but a successful career.
He was a character, a personality, an icon, and he liked to showcase the exotic qualities of the beasts he loved. But the fact is he knew the risks of his job, he loved doing that, and he knew what could happen at any time.
Really, Steve Irwin was willing to put his life on the line to entertain and to educate the audience and though we could debate how smart that was, we can't debate the fact that he died doing exactly what he wanted to do, and even though he left the planet perhaps prematurely, there's no question that he was happy in his life, and that's far more than many of us can claim.
I celebrate his life, mourn his death and hope his family is ok. He was the father of two young children, and I am sad for them to have lost their father, but his legacy will live on for them, and for us.