Musical Development

Apr 20, 2010 10:47

Jamie has started singing along with some of the music class songs. He's still not talking, but anything with a "doo doo doo" or "la la la" section he'll join in enthusiastically. He'll also chime in with the words he does know: a "mummy" or "daddy" where they come up in the song - usually well in time (as in, he's not just repeating the word because he just heard it). He's also started to follow directions in song, of the "clap your hands", "jump up and down" type. On Friday, which was the first music class after a three week break, and the first of a new semester, he was following directions and joining in with class actions right from the start, despite all the songs being new and unfamiliar. He still won't sit with me though. He sits on the other side of the circle, in front of some of the other moms, or he'll sit right in the middle of the circle.

Katie has started clapping her hands a lot when there is music, or even when I'm singing. She's also started bobbing up and down or dancing in place when she can hear music. At music class she's still only sucking on the instruments when they come out, but she's watching the other kids more now, I think.

Not musically related - at least I don't think so - but Katie has newly started throwing tantrums when we tell her "no". It was almost interesting last night to see her doing that. Annoying as anything, but interesting too. Unfortunately, when she starts to cry because we're stopping her doing something she wants to do, Jamie starts to cry too. I'm just fearing that soon it will work the other way around too, and any time either of them starts tantrumming, they both will. Oh joy. But, right now we can get away with telling Jamie to stop something without setting Katie off too. As long as only one of them is screaming at a time, I need to remember it could be a lot worse ;-)
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