Since the last time I wrote...

Jan 24, 2010 20:13

We have had weeks and weeks of illness here, plauging everyone in the house except Jamie, who seems to have the immune system of the gods. Which, speaking as someone with the immune system from hell who has to look after him, sucks. Well, not that much, but it's a tad inconvenient. We (except Jamie) had a couple of weeks of colds, then Katie got a rotavirus-type thing, which I then got, and Adrian, but not Jamie. In fact, after throwing up more last night than I have for about a decade, in fact, I think throwing up for the first time in a decade, I spent most of the day in bed feeling bleh and feeling sorry for myself. Adrian hasn't been too badly affected luckily, since he's been looking after the kids by himself all day. At least I was well enough to join in the bedtime routine, which takes both of us to achieve.

Katie is really close to crawling, and can creep forward commando-style, at a surprising rate. When she sees something she really wants, she really goes for it! We demonstrated this very effectivly by putting my computer on the floor with my parents on Skype and letting her race across the room towards them. Eventually I decided that continually moving the computer out of her reach was a bit cruel, and gave her slightly less destructable things to chew on. I think it amused mum and dad though. She has also discovered how to sit up from lying down. I have no idea how she's doing it, and neither Adrian nor I have seen her doing it. She'll go from the standard crawling position to sitting. Very strange. I'm fairly sure Jamie couldn't do that until well after he had learned to crawl.

Jamie is showing the first signs of interest in potty training. I need to buy a potty and a toilet seat insert. I'm not going to rush things, but I figure the longer they're in the house the more likely he is to be accustomed to them, and comfortable with them. He's not talking any more than he was, although he successfully signed "hot" tonight for the first time.

I'm in the middle of an absolute obsession with Twilight. I really can't explain it. I read the books (well, the first 3, which were loaned to me by a friend. The fourth is currently on order from and then reread them, and reread them again, and reread my favorite bits and so on. Then we ordered the movie from Netflix and I've seen it every day for the last three days. Goodness knows what's wrong with my brain. I am ill right now. I'm hoping that explains it ;-p. Although me getting obsessed with vampire books is nothing new. Aside from Terry Pratchett novels, I think all the authors I currently read center on vampires somewhere along the line. But still, I had this feeling that Twilight was not going to be for me - it's too popular for one thing - and yet I just can't put the books down.

I found a knitting pattern for raglan sweaters that you can adapt to any size you like. I'm in the middle of one for Jamie: the body is complete but I haven't done either sleeve yet. I'm not completely convinced that it's the right size for him, because it looks too short and fat, which is a problem we already have with all his clothes. You'd thing that something I was making by hand I could get right, really, but this is according to the measurements I took off him and it still looks wrong. But I'll finish up the sleeves, get him to try it on, and then do any adjustments I need to. I bought myself a set of circular needles that I've been coveting for ages, and I'm learning a trick to knit on circular needles when you have too few stitches for the length of the needles. I forsee a large number of (potentially half-finished) raglan sweaters in the future of this family.
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