Wednesday Reading!

Jun 19, 2013 18:31

The only new stuff I've read recently was a trilogy of modern regency romances by Carolyn Linden that were pretty meh. The framing device was interesting enough that I read all three books to find out what was up, so they had that going for them. I liked her heroines, they were fairly modern but not jarringly so. The dudes weren't nearly as interesting. And holy cow, I kind of forgot what modern romance novel sex is like...lots of euphemisms and purple prose. Also, all her sex scenes are really similar. I know all too well how easy it is to do the same thing every time you get to the sexytimes, but if you're writing about three different guys, then their technique should be a little different. The female characters side of things were a little more varied, so that's a plus.

Mostly, I realize that I've been totally spoiled by all the Georgette Heyer I've read. Granted, she fades to black when it gets to the kissing, but she really gives you an amazing sense of the times she was writing about. It's like Heyer did her research while Linden read some Heyer.

That's about it, aside from a reread of Under Heaven and River of Stars by Guy Gavriel Kay.

Mostly, I've been writing and watching a lot of baseball. I don't read during games, so if I'm not writing, I usually just play some form of solitaire.

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rereads, books: 2013, a reader is me, romances

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