Oh hey, Wednesday!

May 22, 2013 21:30

So I'm reading, or trying to read, some stuff....

I love me some alternate history, particularly when it isn't MilSF. When I got a rec for something called "The Boleyn King" which has the premise that Anne Boleyn's second child survived and became king, I kind of jumped all over it. I knew going in that it was a romance, which isn't a huge problem. However, I had a real problem with it from the get go. I have a whole rant about her choice of names, but I'll spare you. If the book had been better, I'd have gritted my teeth and kept reading, but I just don't care about the characters at all. If you can't make Elizabeth a compelling character, then you might want to pick a different period to write about. The whole thing is annoying because the concept of the book is so intriguing.

I just started "Following Hadrian: A Second-Century Journey through the Roman Empire." It's sort of a biography that's also kind of a travel book because Hadrian was a serious traveler. The author isn't really trying to do a straight up biography and she uses a fictional diary of one of Hadrian's companions as a framing device. I just started it but it's certainly got my interest.

I don't have anything I'm planning on reading next, but it's possible I'm about to go on a Roman history kick if I can find anything interesting. There's some historical fiction Amazon's recced for me that I might check out.

crossposted from http://telesilla.dreamwidth.org/310038.html |
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it's all about me!, historicals, non-ficiton, a reader is me

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