Wednesday Reading

Feb 13, 2013 21:41

I just finished The Agincourt Bride by Joanna Hickson. It's about Catherine of Valois, who was the wife of both Henry V and Owen Tudor*. It was mostly okay, for a historical, but it put me off with not one but two unnecessary rape scenes. One of them had absolutely nothing at all to do with the storyline and the other was just there to reinforce just how bad the bad guy was. The end struck me as kind of abrupt as well, clearly the author means to write at least one sequel.

I also finished Sam Eastland's most recent mystery The Red Moth. It's the fourth of a series featuring a detective who worked as a special agent for the Tsar and is then pulled out of a gulag in Siberia to work for Stalin. Weirdly enough, given that one of my all time favorite writers was a mystery writer, I'm not a real mystery fan. The exceptions are stories where I like the detective, the supporting characters and the setting. This series fits all those criteria and the writing is fairly good. Of course this would be the first one that ends on a cliffhanger, so I was all "write the next one fast, dude!" at the end.

There's a new book in the Hugh Howey's weird post-apocalyptic Wool series, so that's up next. I'm pretty excite about that, but it's really more a novella than a novel, so I'm not sure what I'm going to read next.

*Total trivia moment: Owen Tudor's middle name was Maredudd, which, when Anglicized, is Meredith.

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books: 2013, a reader is me

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