tumblr can be really inspiring

Apr 29, 2012 20:10

I know I pointed people in the direction of
weepingrockrock's art. Today's picture inspired me to write a tiny little ficlet--This One Is for Bravery

Or, you can read it at AO3 -- This One Is for Bravery

But really, I need to get my nose back to the grindstone and work on my Reversebang. I'm actually pretty pleased with what I've got so far and I know where I'm going with it, so I'm excite about the whole thing.

crossposted from http://telesilla.dreamwidth.org/289760.html |
comments | you can comment at my DW using OpenID

reversebang: 2012, fic: 2012, process: writing, pairing: john/rodney, fic: sga

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