Fannish Five

Nov 25, 2011 17:17

I'm not sure if I've ever done a Fannish Five, but I figured this one was worth doing:

5 fandom-related things you are thankful for.

darkrose! We'd have never met if not for fandom.

2. All my fabulous fannish friends!

3. Fanworks of all kinds! Not just fic and art and vids and podfics, but crafty things like the felt John and Rodney
sabinetzin made for me and knitted Daleks! And fanmixes and macros and secrets and...just fanworks in all their fabulous variety! Not to mention the actual concept behind those fanworks. Transformative works are nothing new--people have been retelling and reworking stories for as long as there have been stories--but in our current culture with its concept of intellectual property and the copyrights that last for decades, I really think it's important to keep that older, tranformative tradition alive.

4. Zines and cons and USENET news groups and mailing lists and LJ/JF/GJ/IJ/Dreamwidth and all the archives from the page where the fics were identified by the first eight letters of their titles to Archive of Our Own!

5. Star Trek:TNG, Star Wars: TPM, Actor RPF, Lotrips, Equilibrium, Batman Begins, SGA, and my next fandom and all the fandoms after that. Picard/Mary Sue and all the many many parings/moresomes after that one, including all the ones I haven't written yet. Sixteen years of stories told and all the stories I have yet to tell.

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it's all about me!, meta: fandom

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