Apr 30, 2011 12:30

I fell down the fucking stairs this morning. I was half asleep and going down to fill the cats' food bowls because they get weird around 7am if they can see the bottom of the bowls. Like they're gonna starve or something. Ha!

Anyway, about halfway down, my foot slid out from under me and I hit the stairs on my ass. I yelped and slid down about four or five stairs on my butt before my foot hit the landing and I was able to stop myself. The two good things are: one, the stairs are carpeted with fairly thick carpet so I had some padding other than my own, and two, because I was going down them at an odd angle due to my early-morning stiffness I landed on my right butt cheek and not on my tail bone.

The bad things: one, I've got a huge fucking deep bruise on my butt and two, because I went back to sleep after the fact, I'm even stiffer that usual. I should have taken some ibuprofen but it didn't occur to me at the time.

The really bad thing? The ceiling in our second bedroom developed a leak during the spring storms and now we have to empty the room out so the contractors can come in and fix it. Unfortunately, this means most of the stuff has go downstairs because there's not much room anywhere up here. Obviously Nancy will be moving stuff too, but still, I'll be going up and down those stairs all weekend.

My mom went down the stairs on her rear in our house in Belgium when she was about my age, and it was a lot worse than this. They weren't carpeted and she landed right on her tailbone. She was also a lot less padded than I am and her tailbone gave her problems for a long time after. So yeah, it could be worse.

Also the Giants are really struggling at the plate and that makes me a sad Ruth.

crossposted from http://telesilla.dreamwidth.org/238924.html |
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it's all about me!, domestic bliss

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