because mah flist is wise about...well, lots of stuff

Oct 14, 2007 21:26

A couple of questions have come up and in one case I'm totally at sea, and so, flist, I turn to you.

1. Goodreads? or LibraryThing? I've got accounts on both--as telesilla, natch--and I'm playing around with them, but I'm curious to see what you all say.

2. I gather that one of the things that happens to you as you get older is that your skin and hair start to dry out. I've always been in the oily category in both but lately, not so much. I've noticed that my hair is doing that frizzy thing that means it's too dry and I know what to use for that, although it's a little weird for me to buy anything but "normal to oily" shampoo. But my skin.... I'm 44 and I've never used moisturizer on my face on a regular basis. I've changed from "oily" to "combination" and my forehead in particular is feeling a little weird and vaguely scaly* I looked while we were at the drug store today and the only thing that looked at all right was something for combination skin by Neutrogena that was $14. While I know you don't use much, the price kinda blew me away because, I'm the kind of person who's perfectly happy using Suave lotion for the rest of my skin.

So does anyone have any recommendations? I really don't want to spend vast sums although I'll spend the $14 if the stuff will help and if it's something I'd be more likely to buy at the local Natural Foods Co-Op--which has a pretty impressive beauty section--I'll be happy.
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