FIC: Collision: Chapter Ten (Lotrips/HP AU, Viggo/Lucius, NC-17)

Jun 14, 2007 01:26

Collision: Chapter Ten
Authors: darkrosetiger and telesilla
Fandom/ Pairing: Harry Potter/Lotrips crossover; eventually Viggo/Lucius
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Viggo and Lucius finally have sex. Honestly guys, it's about damn time.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: You get two for the price of one here: 1) Not RL; didn't happen. If you think this has anything to do with the real people involved, then you need to put down the crack pipe. and probably seek professional help. 2) Neither of us is J.K. Rowling; if we were, we'd have a nicer car and live in San Francisco. This is her world, not ours. Are we clear here?

Notes: Thanks for your patience, stuff has happened and we slacked off on getting this chapter out. Our usual thanks go out to kyuuketsukirui, our fabulous beta. This chapter is for nikkie222, just because.

Lucius frowns at the kitchen table. There's a large salad made with the leftover steak from last night's dinner, mushroom soup that Lucius found in the freezer and reheated, and bread...

Ah. Right... Lucius takes down a pair of wine glasses. Opening the door to the back yard, he calls, "Viggo? There's lunch, if you would like."

"There is?" Viggo looks up from his notebook, a little surprised to see where the sun is. "I had no idea it was this late." He tucks his pen into the book and closes it. "Thanks for making lunch," he adds, coming inside and going to the kitchen sink to wash his hands.

"You're quite welcome. Would you care for a glass of wine? I wasn't sure what you'd prefer, so I didn't pour..." Inwardly, Lucius winces. He'd say he was as awkward as a teenager around Viggo these days, except that even as a teenager, he had seldom been awkward.

"Yeah, wine sounds good," Viggo says. He notices Lucius' awkwardness, just like he's noticed a lot of things about Lucius lately. There've been times when he's wanted to call Sean and rip him a new one for bringing Lucius' interest to his notice. It's like one of those optical illusions, where the goblet turns into two profiles and back again as you look at it--once you figure it out, it's impossible not to see it.

And Viggo doesn't really want to see it, because then it's a thing and once something becomes a thing, you have to accept that it's there and move forward with that knowledge. The only problem is Viggo doesn't know where the knowledge gets him. He does know that he's thought of Lucius as a friend for a while, which is pretty fucking bizarre when you think about it. And now, as if that weren't enough, he has this physical awareness of Lucius going on and if that keeps up, Lucius will figure it out.

With a sigh, Viggo settles down at the table and looks at the spread. "This looks good," he says, and then wishes he didn't sound so fucking banal. I hate small talk.

"Thank you." Lucius sits as well, but his attention is on Viggo. Viggo's been unusually subdued for the past few days, since Sean's last visit, and he hasn't the faintest idea what to do about it. The whole situation is completely outside his experience.

Perhaps this is an occasion that calls more for Gryffindor bluntness than Slytherin subtlety. "Viggo...forgive my rudeness in asking,'ve been rather quiet since Sean was here. Is something wrong?"

There it is; this is most certainly a thing now, and Viggo knows of only one way to deal with it. "I don't know," he says. "Sean said something when he was here, something he'd noticed that I hadn't. And then I did notice it and you want to sleep with me?"

Lucius blinks. It's clearly a question, not a proposition, but he's not entirely sure what the appropriate response is. Begin as you mean to go on, I suppose. "I certainly find you attractive," he says, choosing his words carefully. "But given the circumstances, I felt it unwise to assume that you reciprocated my interest."

"God," Viggo says, shaking his head. "You sound like a lawyer." He takes a sip of his wine. "I don't sleep with wizards. Or witches for that matter."

"Why not?" Lucius asks, though he suspects he can figure out the answer.

Giving up on sipping, Viggo drinks half the glass of wine at one go before answering. "Before I would have told you that it wouldn't be fair to them or me, but now?" He does in the rest of the wine before continuing.

"I've had to face some truths over the last couple of months and the hardest one is that I am not resigned at all. I'm bitter and it hurts and that's a hard thing to for me to accept. So, I've realized that I don't get involved with non-Muggles because it's too painful. It would be a reminder of everything I should have."

"That makes perfect sense," Lucius says. "As I said, I didn't wish to make any assumptions, so..." He shrugs, and drains his glass.

After pouring himself another glass of wine, Viggo looks at Lucius. "Thing is," he says, quietly, "I can't stop thinking about how you look naked."

Lucius is glad he's not drinking anything, because he'd have spit it out through his nose at that. "At some point, I stopped thinking about Aragorn and started thinking about you. I suppose that makes us even."

"Yeah," Viggo murmurs, "I guess it does." He drinks more wine and then looks at Lucius. "Well, now we both know. We just have to decide what to do with the knowledge."

"For my part, there's little reason not to act on it," Lucius says. "My primary concern at the moment is that I don't want to cause you--I don't want to hurt you."

That's an unexpected sentiment and Viggo looks at Lucius in surprise. "Thank you," he says quietly, feeling oddly shy. He's so used to strong feeling being the nudge that pushed him into bed with someone; sitting here like this and talking it through in the mellow afternoon sunlight is more than a little strange.

"Do you always go about this kind of thing like this?" he asks, unable to help himself. "So matter-of-factly?"

Lucius laughs. "Not at all. I've been told all my life that directness is a character flaw--and that seduction is a tool, like anything else. But...this isn't like anything I've done before, and I don't think I should approach it the same way."

"Thank you," Viggo says, "for not trying to seduce me." Someone, he realizes as he looks at Lucius, is going to have to make the first move. He reaches out, leaning across the table to rest his hand carefully on top of Lucius'.

For a long moment, Lucius doesn't move. At last he turns his hand over and clasps Viggo's. Workman's hands, for all that he's an artist. "I wanted Severus," he says quietly. "And I liked him. But he's a half-blood, and poor, and while my father didn't care if I dallied with men, he thought I was showing too much interest in someone who wasn't really our sort. So I told him about how brilliant Severus was, and that I was trying to recruit him...eventually, even I wasn't sure what my primary motive was. That's always been between us. I like to think that I am, in fact, capable of learning from my mistakes."

"I'm not exactly your sort," Viggo says, and if he had any sense of self-preservation, he'd pull away now, having heard the reminder of just who Lucius is. Was,Viggo tells himself firmly. And I'm not exactly know for having had anything like a sense of self-preservation. He trails the tip of his index finger lightly across Lucius' palm.

"No," Lucius agrees. He remembers the dream, of his father as Denethor, and his hand tightens around Viggo's. "But my father is dead, and even his portrait is five thousand miles away, so he can't berate me." Very gently, Lucius raises Viggo's hand to his lips and kisses Viggo's fingers, one by one.

It's weird to feel so untried and shy about sex when less than a week ago, Viggo was clinging to the headboard while Sean did his best to fuck him into the next morning. But that was Sean and this is Lucius and Viggo's suddenly very uncertain.

Lucius looks up, into Viggo's eyes. Still moving very deliberately, he sucks one of Viggo's fingers into his mouth and licks it, caressing it with his tongue.

"Oh God," Viggo murmurs, swallowing hard. " how committed are you to eating lunch? I was thinking we could go upstairs..."

"That sounds like a splendid idea," Lucius says. He stands up and tugs on Viggo's hand a little. Having him this close is utterly intoxicating, and Lucius simply can't help himself; he leans in and kisses Viggo.

This, Viggo knows how to deal with; he slides his arms around Lucius' waist, pulling him close. Lucius is thorough and he tastes like wine and smells like Viggo's own shampoo, and it's all suddenly very good. Groaning into Lucius' mouth, Viggo presses against him hard.

Lucius runs his hands along Viggo's back; he's slender, but well-muscled, and Lucius is eager to see him naked. "Shall we?" he murmurs when he finally pulls away.

"Yeah," Viggo says, and then pauses, grabs the wine bottle and a glass. "For after," he explains, because somehow it just seems right to think of drinking a nice crisp Pinot Grigio after having sex with Lucius. Sex with Lucius Malfoy...I must be out of my fucking mind. But Viggo's been accused of that before and it's never stopped him, and he grins broadly as he leads Lucius up the stairs. Crazy's worked well for me in the past.

Walking upstairs behind Viggo, Lucius decides jeans definitely have an advantage over robes. He's got an amazing arse. He's staring so intently he almost misses a step when they get to the top.

Viggo's bedroom is big, its hardwood floors covered with two large, patterned rugs. Sketches and a couple of framed photographs hang on the walls; the overwhelming impression is of openness and light. It's completely different from the master bedroom at the Manor, and he likes it very much,

Putting the glass and bottle on one of the nightstands, Viggo turns and reaches for Lucius again, pulling him in for another kiss. He's hard and as Lucius moves closer, Viggo can feel Lucius' cock against his hip. "Want you," he breathes when he pulls away.

"Yes..." Lucius whispers. "I've been thinking about this for so long now..." He kisses Viggo again, leisurely exploring his mouth and memorizing the taste of him.

That's an odd thing to hear and it makes Viggo feel just a little defensive, like he should apologize for being so blind. But no, things like this happen in their own time and anyway, he doesn't want to think about anything very complicated right now.

"What do you like?" he asks, when they finally pull back from the kiss.

"Do you's been so bloody long..." Lucius laughs softly and sits down on the bed, running a hand through his hair. "I usually top with anyone other than Severus, and I generally refrain from bringing out the more exotic toys the first time. Aside from that..." He waves a hand, looking a little lost. "I'm not sure."

Exotic...oh man, that's something I don't think I want to know about, Viggo thinks, blinking a little. "I um...switch a lot. And I don't have much in the way of toys, really."

" start with, I believe you have me at a disadvantage. I have never seen you naked," Lucius points out.

"Fair enough," Viggo says with a chuckle, stripping off his t-shirt before getting out of his jeans. He steps forward once he's naked and begins to unbutton Lucius' shirt. "I have seen you naked, it's true. But I was doing my best to be polite and not stare."

"I played Quidditch and I lived in a room with eight other boys for seven years," Lucius says, helping Viggo out by undoing his own jeans. "I don't even think about it any more." He runs his fingers through Viggo's short, dark hair, then leans forward and rests his cheek on the top of Viggo's head. "So velvet."

From Viggo's position, it seems most natural to go down on his knees and pull Lucius' jeans off. "Never heard it compared to velvet before," he says. "I see you're a real blond," he adds before Lucius can reply.

Lucius bursts out laughing. "Yes, in fact, I am--though any rumors of Veela blood in the family are completely unsubstantiated."

"If you were a Veela," Viggo murmurs, "you'd have had me kneeling at your feet months ago."

"I'm content with having you there right now," Lucius says, smiling and tracing the curve of Viggo's mouth with one finger.

Laughing a little, Viggo licks at Lucius' finger and then leans forward to do the same to Lucius' cock. He does it again and then again before taking the head in his mouth and sucking lightly.

"Merlin..." Lucius gasps. He's not surprised Viggo's good with his mouth, but he hadn't quite guessed he'd be this good. "Bloody fucking hell, that feels good..."

"Mmmm," Viggo hums, lowering his head. He goes down slowly, pausing every once in a while to pull back up and use his tongue. He finally takes all of Lucius' cock in, humming again as it nudges the back of his throat.

It takes every bit of Lucius' strength to come from coming when Viggo deep-throats him. His hands tighten on Viggo's shoulders, gripping him hard enough that there will be bruises later.

Viggo doesn't mind the tight grip, thinking of it as a testament to his skills. He's always been good at this and he's always liked it--which probably explains why I'm good at it. But he doesn't want Lucius to come just yet and so, after a moment or two, he lets Lucius' cock slide out of his mouth and smiles up at him.

"You usually top, do you?"

"Usually," Lucius says. "But with you...either way is fine." In fact, he's not sure which he'd like more: fucking Viggo, or stretching out on his back and letting Viggo take him.

"I haven't in so long, and never without magic," he continues. " you'd like to lead this time, and then perhaps later, we could switch?"

"Magic?" Viggo asks, leaning back and looking up at Lucius curiously. "Is it really all that different?"

"If I had my wand, I could touch you from the other side of the room," Lucius explains. "Or play with your nipples, stroke your cock, and have two fingers inside you all at once--and I never had to worry about lubrication."

"Oh," says Viggo, a little taken aback. "I hope I measure up," he murmurs, moving up to sit on the bed with Lucius. "I'll just have to make do with what I have, all right?" In spite of his teasing tone of voice, he is actually worried; the fact that sex with magic is different than sex without it is something that had not occurred to him.

"Mmm...I think what you have will be just fine," Lucius assures him, taking Viggo's cock in one hand and curling his fingers around it. He scoots closer and nuzzles at Viggo's neck.

"Oh yeah," Viggo says, trying to let his anxiety go. He thinks about Lucius, having gone so long without anyone really touching him and decides that, yes, maybe he will be enough. Turning a little, he presses against Lucius, wrapping one arm around him and stroking his back.

Lucius arches his back, almost purring at Viggo's touch. He rubs his thumb over the head of Viggo's cock, pausing to lick the wetness from his hand before he starts stroking Viggo with practiced ease.

"Fuck," Viggo mutters hoarsely. Lucius looked incredibly hot, licking off his hand like that, and Viggo wonders what it would be like to come in Lucius' hands and then watch him lick himself clean. Later, he tells himself, somehow sure that there will be a later. "How do you like to be," he asks, nuzzling Lucius' ear a little. "On your back or on your front?"

"For this, I'd prefer to be--" Lucius chuckles. "That tickles, you know--on my back, so I can see your face when you come."

"Sorry," Viggo says, pulling back a little. "'m not very ticklish myself." He runs his hands through Lucius' hair. "You have the most amazing hair..."

Lucius smiles, arching up into Viggo's hands. "I like having it long--and I love having it played with." Especially now, when I know that He's never touched it.

"Mmmm…" Viggo hums. "I miss having long hair sometimes." He bends and kisses Lucius again and then sits up. "Make yourself comfortable," he says over his shoulder as he scoots further up the bed and reaches into his nightstand drawer for the lube and a condom.

Lucius watches curiously. "What are you using that for?" Were it anyone but Viggo, he'd be offended by the idea that someone would need to use a condom to fuck him, but since it is Viggo, he assumes there's a reason.

"Is there a spell for protection or something?" Viggo asks, looking down at the condom and then at Lucius.

"There is a spell, yes. In the better wizarding brothels, of course, you still use condoms because it's required, since not everyone can perform the spell properly, especially if you're distracted," Lucius explains. "Between Severus and I, well...I was his first lover, and I've known him since he was eleven."

"It's automatic," Viggo says. "I'm not all that promiscuous, and I've been tested, but even Sean and I use them."

Lucius nods. "That's certainly reasonable." He feels oddly nervous--though when he thinks about it, it's not all that surprising. Leaning in close, he nibbles at Viggo's shoulder, inhaling deeply to memorize his scent.

After a moment spent enjoying the feeling of Lucius' teeth on his skin, Viggo turns his head and kisses Lucius hard. He still can't believe this is happening, but really when he looks back over the last month or so, he can admit they've been headed here for quite a while, and to deny the attraction would be less than honest.

Lucius moans into Viggo's mouth, not pulling away until he absolutely has to breathe. Finally he stretches out on his back, legs spread and. Please," he says, staring up at Viggo.

"God," Viggo says softly, looking down at Lucius, taking in the way his hair fans out like silver on the pillow. "I'll want to photograph you naked, you know," he says as he moves to position himself between Lucius' legs. "But later," he adds, bending to kiss the shaft of Lucius' cock as he gets the lube open and slicks up his fingers.

The idea of posing nude while Viggo photographs him is quite erotic, but Lucius agrees that it's a thought for later. He catches his breath as Viggo presses a finger against his hole, not sliding in yet; just teasing.

Waiting until Lucius is squirming just a little, Viggo presses his finger in. This is not the time for the "shove two fingers in to get a little lube involved and then go for it" routine he sometimes uses when Sean just wants it hard and fast, and so Viggo is careful, wanting Lucius to enjoy every moment of it.

Lucius groans. It's excruciating, though he appreciates the care Viggo is taking. He reaches down so he can stroke Viggo's hair and face, suddenly aware of how starved he is for this and how much he needs to touch and be touched right now.

Viggo can understand Lucius' need for closeness, and he nuzzles into the hand on his face, and slides his free hand up the outside of Lucius' thigh until it's resting on Lucius' hip while he continues to prep Lucius. Two fingers now and he can feel the muscle stretching, can anticipate being inside this tight heat.

" good. Please, Viggo, I want you now." Lucius doesn't usually beg when he bottoms, but right at the moment, he's sure he's going to go insane if Viggo doesn't hurry up and fuck him into the mattress.

"Don't want to hurt you," Viggo murmurs, pouring more lube down his fingers. "Don't want to rush it..."

"Don't care," Lucius gasps. "Fuck, Viggo, please!"

Later it will occur to Viggo that Lucius has probably never begged for it in his life, but now, Lucius' words get under his skin and he pauses only long enough to roll the condom on. As he presses into Lucius, he can't help groaning.

It does hurt a little, but Lucius doesn't care. He's open and aching and vulnerable and Viggo feels so good inside him it's almost more than he can take. He wraps his legs around Viggo's and tilts his head back, baring his throat in an unconscious gesture of surrender.

"God," Viggo moans, bending down to nuzzle at Lucius' neck as he slowly begins to move. Lucius smells good and his skin is fine and smooth under Viggo's mouth. "Fucking good," he moans, speeding up just a little.

We shouldn't fit together so well, Lucius thinks, before deciding there are better things to do right now than think--like squirming underneath Viggo and shifting his hips to let him get in deeper.

The change in position makes everything even better, and Viggo gives up on being slow and careful. With a loud groan, he starts pounding into Lucius, bracing himself on his hands and breathing hard.

That's what Lucius has been waiting for. He shoves back against Viggo, moaning wantonly and clawing at the sheets.

With Sean, Viggo would probably start talking dirty right about now, but he's not sure that would go over all that well, so he simply concentrates on fucking Lucius as hard as he can, sliding one hand between them to toy with one of Lucius' nipples.

Lucius has always had very sensitive nipples, and he almost levitates himself off the bed when Viggo touches them. "Merlin! Fuck, Viggo, don't stop, whatever you do!"

"Harder?" Viggo asks, and when Lucius groans arches his back, Viggo takes that as a yes, and pinches harder. Between the noise Lucius is making and the way he's thrashing around, it's all Viggo can do to keep from coming, but he wants this to last. When you haven't had sex in over two years, you get to come first.

Lucius squeezes a hand between them and grabs his own cock, stroking himself hard and fast. Viggo is very, very good at this, and it doesn't take long before Lucius gasps, "Close..."

"Go on," Viggo moans, dropping his head to nuzzle at Lucius' neck again. "God...please," he groans, so close he knows he won't last past Lucius' orgasm.

Arching up off the bed again, Lucius comes, screaming wordlessly and clinging to Viggo as though he's trying to anchor himself.

Viggo can't help it; as he comes, he bites down on Lucius' neck, groaning against Lucius' skin.

Lucius collapses under Viggo, moaning. It's a while before he can muster up enough breath to speak, but finally, he croaks, "Thank you."

"God," Viggo moans, moving carefully to one side. He gets rid of the condom quickly and then lies down on his side next to Lucius, going up on one arm to look at him. "I wasn't too rough?"

"Not at all." Lucius strokes Viggo's arm lightly. "When I bottom, I like to be ridden hard, as it were. That was absolutely brilliant."

"Oh good," Viggo murmurs, leaning in to nuzzle Lucius a little. "Was the biting okay, too?"

Lucius runs his thumb over Viggo's lips. "More than okay. You have a wicked mouth, you know."

"Mmmm," Viggo hums, sucking Lucius' thumb into his mouth and then biting down on it. "So I've been told," he murmurs.

"Positively...oh, Merlin...wicked..." Lucius pulls Viggo close and kisses the top of his head. "Did you enjoy that?"

"Yeah," Viggo murmurs, moving into Lucius' arms. He opens his mouth and then shakes his head a little and closes it again. Maybe we don't need to talk just yet.

"I'm glad." Lucius seldom worries about his performance--it's not as though he's ever been accused of being a bad lover--but the only person he's ever allowed this close was Severus, an accomplished Legilimens. And half the time, I was trying to shield my thoughts from him. I'm quite sure he was doing the same.

* * *

A couple of hours later, Viggo blinks and then rubs his eyes. He and Lucius had talked a little aimlessly about nothing in particular and then they'd both drifted off. Now it's late afternoon and the room is cooling down as the sun leaves the window. Sitting up, Viggo looks down at Lucius almost blankly., what now?

Lucius stretches and rolls over when Viggo moves. He'd been sleeping rather well for once; he debates trying to sleep more, then decides against it. Eyes still closed, he reaches over and strokes Viggo's leg.

"Mmmm," Viggo murmurs, leaning into to kiss Lucius. He feels oddly content; even though he knows they should talk, he's more than happy to just lie here with Lucius. Although, as Lucius continues to stroke his leg, Viggo can think of other things he'd be content to do with Lucius right now.

"I see you're awake," Lucius mumbles, sliding his hand up Viggo's leg to his crotch. "Part of you, anyway."

"Yeah," Viggo replies with a chuckle. "The rest of me is mostly awake, too," he adds, as he rests his hand on top of Lucius'.

Lucius rolls over, nudging Viggo's legs apart so he can get in and lick just behind the head of Viggo's cock.

"Oh yeah," Viggo murmurs, reaching down to toy lightly with Lucius' hair. "Feels good..."

Pushing Viggo's foreskin back with his tongue, he swallow's Viggo's cock down greedily, moaning around the hard length.

"Oh fuck," Viggo gasps. Not wanting to tug too hard, he pulls his hand away from Lucius' hair and ends up with both fists clenched around handfuls of bedding. "God, so fucking good..."

Lucius brushes his fingertips over every bit of Viggo's skin that he can reach, still sucking hard. He squirms a little closer, grinding his own erection into the mattress. Merlin and Morgana--I haven't been this bad since I was sixteen.

"Swing up around here," Viggo says breathlessly when he realizes what Lucius is doing. "I'll...fuck...return the favor."

Reluctantly, Lucius draws back, but only long enough to shift position after claiming a quick kiss from Viggo. Remembering an old trick, he tilts his head so that his hair spills over Viggo's thigh.

"Ahhh," Viggo moans, then leans forward a little and licks a trail from the base of Lucius' cock to the head. Opening his mouth wider, he lowers it carefully, sucking as he takes more of Lucius in.

Lucius shivers. Viggo's mouth is hot and wet, and he's doing marvelous things with his tongue. Lucius lifts up and scoots down so that he can take Viggo's balls into his mouth.

Viggo groans at that and then groans again, knowing the vibration will feel damn good against Lucius' cock. It's been a while since he's done a sixty-nine, but given that he and Lucius are of a height, they fit together well. Still moaning, Viggo slides one hand up Lucius' flank and then strokes Lucius' ass as well as he can.

It's impossible for Lucius to stay still after that. He moves back up and swallows Viggo's cock, pressing his ass into Viggo's hand. He can't help wondering what it would be like to be stretched out across Viggo's lap. With those hands, I suspect he'd give a lovely spanking.

Gripping Lucius' cheek, Viggo works on getting all of Lucius' cock into his mouth. It's not the best angle for deep-throating and Viggo finally has to give up. After all, Lucius certainly seems to be happy enough with the job Viggo's doing, and Viggo figures he's doing well to manage anything given how much Lucius is turning him on.

Lucius grabs Viggo's hip, holding on tightly. He whimpers a little: his only warning before he comes, shuddering against Viggo.

After swallowing, Viggo licks at Lucius cock gently before pulling back and resting his head on Lucius' thigh. "Please," he murmurs, flexing his hips just a little.

Lucius chuckles a little. As if I'd leave him unsatisfied after that! Sliding his hands down, he squeezes Viggo's arse gently at first, then harder as he continues sucking him. Let me taste you...

Feeling like a very large cat is kneading his ass, Viggo groans loudly and clutches at Lucius. "Close," he gets out and then, when Lucius doesn't back off, Viggo cries out and comes hard, his fingers going tight on Lucius' thigh.

Closing his eyes, Lucius swallows, concentrating on the moment. I want to keep this, no matter what happens later on. He sits up so he can put his arms around Viggo, just holding him until at last Viggo pulls away.

"So..." Lucius runs a hand through his hair, combing it out with his fingers. "How much does this change things?"

"A fair amount," Viggo says. He leans back against the pillows and shakes his head. "Fucking Sean. This is all his fault."

Lucius arches an eyebrow. "How so?"

"He said some things that got me thinking..." Viggo sighs. "I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier. I'm kind of clueless about this sort of thing at times."

"Well...I confess, I'm a bit chagrined I was being so obvious." Lucius shakes his head. "No need to apologize; though I will have to remember to thank Sean later."

"Sean isn't as thick as he pretends to be," Viggo says with a fond smile. He reaches out and tugs lightly at Lucius' shoulder, trying to pull him closer. "This wasn't pity," he says quietly. "Not only would I not to that, but while I feel some sympathy for you, I do not pity you."

It feels perfectly natural to scoot closer to Viggo. "It never occurred to me that you would," he says, resting a hand over Viggo's.

"I feel like we're in a holding pattern," Viggo says. "We can't really know what any of this means while we wait for the war to be over." He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "I suppose I'm being a typical uncommunicative male jerk as my ex would say, but really I'm not sure what else to say."

"That's fine." Lucius is just as happy not to have to discuss it. I'd say I've always been bad at this sort of thing, but come to think of it, I don't think I've ever done it before. Not like this, anyway. "I was wondering more if this was a one-time event, or if it will be repeated?"

"God," Viggo says with a chuckle. "I fucking well hope it will be repeated."

"Oh good." Lucius smiles and nips at Viggo's shoulder. "I think we should eat first, though--I seem to have worked up an appetite, and you're looking rather tasty."

"Sounds good to me," Viggo says. "Although," he adds as he moves out of bed and looks for his jeans. "Feel free to do more of the biting. I'm not averse to a bit of that now and then."

"I'll definitely keep that in mind."


Further Notes: In order to bring some things into parallel, we've messed with the timing of events in the HP universe. Year One is now 2000. Collision begins in February, 2006, in the middle of what would be Year Seven of HP canon.

In order the stories are (please note that "Keeping Faith" and "Favor" overlap each other to some extent):

Dual Citizenship
Keeping Faith

hp, collision, viggo/lucius, lotrips

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