FIC: Collision: Chapter Nine (Lotrips/HP, Viggo/Lucius, Viggo/Bean, PG-13)

Mar 20, 2007 01:19

Collision: Chapter Nine
Authors: darkrosetiger and telesilla
Fandom/ Pairing: Harry Potter/Lotrips crossover; eventually Viggo/Lucius; Viggo/Bean this chapter
Archive: Please ask.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Lucius and Viggo are back in LA. Sean comes over to watch footie and in the course of the evening, he asks a few questions that Viggo doesn't really know how to answer.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: You get two for the price of one here: 1) Not RL; didn't happen. If you think this has anything to do with the real people involved, then you need to put down the crack pipe. and probably seek professional help. 2) Neither of us is J.K. Rowling, these are her characters not ours.

They've been back from the ranch for a couple of days when Viggo comes down out of the studio one morning as Lucius is having a late breakfast. "Morning," he says, moving to put the kettle on again. "I've been developing some of the stuff I took up at the ranch. The prints are drying right now."

"May I see them later?" Lucius asks, looking up from his book. "And there's toast, if you're at all hungry."

Viggo grabs a piece of toast and starts eating it. "Thanks," he says. "And yeah they should be ready in a few hours." Surprised to realize how hungry he was, he takes another piece of toast. "I was thinking of calling Sean; his football team's playing a game that'll be shown here around eight and I was going to offer him a chance to yell at my television for a while."

It takes Lucius a moment to realize that Viggo's asking him if he minds. "Oh...all right. Should we order something for dinner?" It occurs to him how absurdly domestic this is, and he looks down to hide a smile.

"Yeah, I figure we can phone in a few pizzas," Viggo says, filling up his gourd with hot water. "We've still got some beer, but Sean'll bring some with him; he always does."

"I think perhaps I'll limit myself to one or two bottles this time," Lucius says. And if I'm lucky, I'll fall asleep before they come up to bed.

"Drink water before you sleep," Viggo says, picking up the phone. "And take some Tylenol."

* * *

"Holy fuck," Viggo says as Sean comes through the door. "What the goddamn hell happened to your hair?"

Sean runs a hand over his head. "It is a bit short...but I'm supposed to be undercover, so I guess it fits. Here--" He hands Viggo one of the two bags of beer he's got. "You still got company?"

"Yeah." Viggo leads Sean into the kitchen. "I still have beer from last time, you know," he says, putting the bag on the kitchen table. As soon as Sean puts the bags down, Viggo reaches up and runs his hand across the top of Sean's head. "Shorter than it was for...that play." Although Viggo's never felt the superstition needed to be taken out of the theater, he remembers Sean got into the habit back when they were doing the play and he's kept to it ever since.

"Yeah. If you keep doing that, though, I may have to think about leaving it like this." Sean bumps his head against Viggo's hand like an insistent cat.

Lucius had steeled himself to see Sean and Viggo being close, but he forgets all about that when he walks into the kitchen. "What on earth did you do to your hair?"

"It's for the part," Viggo says, feeling a little guilty about being caught with Sean. He's not sure why and it's a weird feeling, so he tucks it away, resolving to worry about it later. "Feels great," he says to Sean, "but it's almost too short really. Needs about a half an inch. I like the beard though."

Sean shakes his head and grins at Lucius. He'd almost convinced himself that he'd had one too many beers the last time, and for all that he acts like the worst kind of upper-class git, it's hard to see Lucius as some kind of Nazi. "Nice to see you too, mate. And you--" he pokes Viggo in the ribs "--should recognize the beard."

"I would not lead the Ring within a hundred leagues of your city," Viggo hisses, narrowing his eyes and looking at Sean suspiciously. It's cheesy as all fuck, but he simply can't resist it.

"Who says I'm interested in the Ring?" Sean asks, grabbing Viggo's arse with both hands and pulling him close for a kiss.

I really don't need to see that, thank you, Lucius thinks, turning to the fridge and taking out three bottles of the beer Sean had brought over last time. He sets the bottles on the table with slightly more force than is strictly necessary.

This time Viggo feels even more guilty, as if he's rubbing Lucius' face in something he can't have. Lover, wife, and son missing and here I am making out with my best friend right in front of him. He pulls gently away from the kiss and, knowing that while Sean can see his face, Lucius can't, he mouths "later."

Sean nods, following the direction of Viggo's glance toward Lucius. Interesting... "So how was the ranch?" he asks.

"Great," Viggo says, backing off and picking up a beer. "It was a brilliant idea, we rode quite a bit and spent a lot of time outside." Still feeling weirdly ill at ease, he moves over to the phone, picking up a menu. "So, pizza?"

"Sure," Sean says. There's an odd tension in the air that wasn't there a moment ago, and he's not sure what to make of it. He turns to Lucius. "Do wizards play footie, or is that too ordinary for you?"

Viggo had explained football to Lucius earlier. "No, although I suppose there are some similarities to Quidditch. It's played in the air, on broomsticks." As he rather expected, Sean stares at Viggo, looking for confirmation of what must sound completely mad to him.

"Quidditch is...fuck, I don't know," Viggo says. "There are four balls, two of which fly around trying to knock players off their yeah..." he trails off, realizing what has Sean so surprised. "Wizards and witches do in fact fly on brooms."

"Christ, I can't imagine that...planes are bad enough." Sean shivers.

"They don't go as high, of course," Lucius explains. "But it's true that a fall can be quite nasty."

"You'd hate it," Viggo says, and when he looks down at the pizza menu with a desperate need to change the subject, it has nothing to do with feeling weird about kissing Sean in front of Lucius. "Game'll be on soon. We should order."

Lucius can remember trying to ride double on a broom with his sister, and he wonders if Viggo ever did that, and if he liked it. He feels a sudden pang of sympathy--not pity; never that--but sadness, that Viggo will never have what should have been his birthright.

Sean's familiar with the "change the subject" tone from Viggo, so he steers the conversation into an explanation of the finer points of footie, with particular emphasis on the merits of a certain team from Sheffield. By the time he's started on the offside rule, the pizzas arrive.

Slowly Viggo relaxes and he's grateful to both Sean and Lucius for not pushing him, for talking about something unrelated to Viggo's private thoughts. At times, when people have given him that kind of space, it's felt like pity, but from a true wizard's point of view, everyone in the room right now is handicapped in some way, and for Viggo, both these men aren't just a de-wanded wizard and a Muggle, but close friends.

And when did Lucius become a close friend, or any kind of friend? he wonders as they move into the living room with the pizzas and beers. Once the game starts, it's easier; it's early in the season and Sean's in rare form, groaning at a bad play within the first ten minutes.

After an hour, Lucius decides he's had enough--the game may not be quite as dull as Quidditch, but it's certainly just as incomprehensible. Wishing Sean and Viggo good night, he retreats to his room, closing the door firmly behind him. He listens carefully, making sure the TV is turned up loud enough so they won't hear him, and then strips off his clothes and climbs into bed, one hand stroking his cock hard.

"He lasted longer than I thought he would," Viggo says with a chuckle. "He finds Quidditch boring and I haven't even tried to explain baseball."

"What does he do all day?" Sean asks curiously. "The way he acts, I can't imagine he had a job before."

"No," Viggo says. "He seems to have mostly been a wealthy gentleman of leisure who didn't do much aside from being involved in the higher levels of the wrong side of this fucking war. And even that was an inherited thing, although that doesn't really excuse it." He shrugs and pauses to sip his beer. "Since he's been here, he's been reading his way through my library at a phenomenal rate, he's learned to pick up after himself and make his own bed, and I'm teaching him to cook."

Sean snorts. "Figures--when he goes all lord of the manor, he acts like it comes natural. You said he was married, didn't you? Must have had himself a mistress on the side; that sort usually does."

"In his case it would have been much more likely for him to have had a boyfriend on the side," Viggo says with a grin. "His marriage was arranged, and while he seems to respect and even like his wife, I get the feeling they're very...well, Edwardian about the whole thing."

"Arranged marriage? Suppose that shouldn't surprise me, given what you've told me. And I can see him liking blokes." Sean grins. "He'd have been perfect for one of Pete's poncey Elves, and if his hair's really that color, the girls in Makeup would have loved him...and like I said before, he's certainly a bit of all right in the looks department."

"A bit of... " Viggo's voice trails off for a moment as he thinks about it, as he remembers this morning and how surprised he was to realize that most of the pictures he'd shot in Idaho were of Lucius. And he remembers joking during cooking lessons, and looking at the night sky, and how good it had been to see Lucius really smile. More than a bit of all right...God, Sean has a way with words.

Because, yes, Lucius is a damn good-looking man and somewhere along the line, the part of Viggo that doesn't allow him to pay attention to good-looking wizards or witches has obviously gone to sleep on the job. "Yeah, I guess so," he says, knowing Sean will see right through any attempt at being casual.

Sean raises an eyebrow, looking more than a little like Lucius. "You telling me you haven't been looking? Because he sure as hell has."

"Has he?" That does come as a surprise to Viggo and he stares at Sean in shock. "I think I'd notice."

"You don't always," Sean points out. "You didn't know Jeremy in Makeup had a thing for you until I told you--and it's not like he's being that obvious about it. But a couple of times now, he's looked at you like you were a steak and he hadn't eaten in a week."

"Are you sure?" Viggo says, frowning a little. "I must be as blind as you think I am then." He searches his brain for any memory of Lucius looking interested in him and comes up blank.

"I thought that was why you pulled away when I kissed you before--he was glaring daggers at me. You didn't notice that?" Sean's starting to suspect Viggo's been hanging out in a certain Egyptian river where his houseguest is concerned.

"I just thought it might be rude," Viggo says, not mentioning that it had made him feel weird even though he hadn't, in fact, seen Lucius' face. "I's me all over a lover and him not knowing where his wife and kid are, not to mention that he's trapped here."

"That could be it," Sean says. "I think he fancies you, though he doesn't seem like the type to say anything. He'll just suffer in silence."

Fortunately enough for Viggo, the match comes back on and both he and Sean settle in to watch. But while Sean seems to be utterly engrossed, Viggo's not really giving the game his full attention.

He said something last time, he remembers. About Lucius being good looking. And really, Sean's right. But...interested in me? If he is interested, of course; Sean could be wrong there. But Sean's probably not wrong; he's one of the most observant people Viggo knows.

And if he is right, Viggo thinks, why me? I'm not the kind of person Lucius would ever be likely to get involved with except for maybe a casual fuck here or there. Biting back a sigh, he tries to let himself get caught up in the match. Anything between himself and Lucius would be ludicrous, what with neither of them being each other's type.

The Blades lose, which doesn't really come as a surprise to Sean; he just shakes his head in disgust and finishes his beer. "Typical--get to the end and then choke. Bastards." He grins at Viggo. "So, am I going upstairs or out to my car?"

Normally Viggo would have answered "upstairs" right away. But then again, normally, Sean wouldn't have asked. "Um...upstairs," he says after a second's hesitation. "It's probably rude, but...I really want you to fuck me."

"Rude?" Sean shakes his head. "You know me, Vig--I'm good either way." He throws an arm over Viggo's shoulder. "I mean, since you're a friend, I'll make the sacrifice. Let's go."

"You're not going to carry me up the stairs?" Viggo snickers.

As they climb the stairs, Viggo can't help glancing down the hall toward the guest room, but from this angle and with the hall light on, it's impossible to tell if Lucius' light is on or not. Doing his best not to think about what Lucius looks like when he's naked, Viggo starts stripping off his own clothes as soon as Sean closes the bedroom door.

Lucius is dozing when he hears the telltale sounds of someone in the other bedroom getting fucked. For all Viggo said they were--how did he put it? Right--"friends with benefits"-- they don't seem to miss a chance to shag like a pair of crazed ferrets. It makes perfect sense when Lucius thinks about it: they have six years' friendship, including a year of being part of a tight-knit group no outsider could ever understand. Sean is not only attractive in a rough sort of way, he's more intelligent than his looks suggest, and he's a part of the world Viggo has made for himself--as opposed to Lucius, who can only remind Viggo of something that he lacks.


Notes: Sean was in LA to film the pilot for the TV show Faceless, which, sadly enough, did not get picked up by Fox. To understand what Viggo's talking about with regards to Sean's hair; here's a picture of Sean in character.

As usual, many thanks go out to kyuuketsukirui for her excellent beta; she was totally right about the rewrite.

In order to bring some things into parallel, we've messed with the timing of events in the HP universe. Year One is now 2000. Collision begins in February, 2006, in the middle of what would be Year Seven of HP canon.

In order the stories are (please note that "Keeping Faith" and "Favor" overlap each other to some extent):

Dual Citizenship
Keeping Faith

hp, collision, lucius, bean, lotrips, viggo

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