FIC: Misdirected 2/? (RPS AU, Sean/Bill, NC-17)

Dec 11, 2006 02:42

Misdirected (2/?)
Author: helens78 and telesilla
Fandom/Pairing: RPS AU, Sean Bean/Bill Fichtner
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3790
Disclaimer: Not RL; didn't happen. If you think this has anything to do with the real actors involved, then you need to put down the crack pipe.
Summary: Sean and Bill meet and...well what do you think happens?

Notes: At the bottom, this header got kind of long.

When Sean hands his driver's license over to the clerk in order to confirm his reservation, he hands him the one marked "S". That's all it takes. For the next two weeks, he'll be a submissive, and no one's going to think otherwise.

There are a few things he's going to have to get used to -- like the fact that no one offers to take the bag he's got slung over his shoulder, even though the bellhop gets the rest of his luggage on a cart and takes it upstairs. He also gets a quick once-over from the clerk, and he stares right back for a minute before realizing he's not supposed to do that.

Great. You're here two minutes and it turns out you're as poor a sub as you are a dom.

But he gets upstairs, takes a shower, and looks through his greeting basket -- wine, cheese, fruit, and apparently a wristband to flag himself "single and looking".

He's certainly that, so he puts the wristband on, grabs his book and some sunscreen, and heads downstairs to the pool, picking a lounge chair in the shade and stretching out. It's going to be a good vacation.

Bill's done a good number of laps in the lap pool by the time he gets out of the pool. As he reaches for his towel, a passing server reaches down and gets it for him without disturbing the tray of drinks she has in her other hand.

"Nicely done...Amy," he says, reading the name written next to the hotel's insignia on the pretty collar she wears. She smiles and ducks her head a little before moving away, and even though Bill's tired of perfect subs, he smiles.

Always a pleasure to see someone who's good at their job, he thinks as he settles onto his lounge chair. Glancing around, he notices Andrea--two chairs over and seemingly asleep behind her sunglasses. Well, not always.

He's tempted to slip away from her, but he'd feel stupid if he didn't make it and she'd get punished if he did. This is insane. If anyone had told me I'd end up living in a very nice gilded cage with mod cons, I'd have stuck with law enforcement.

Reminding himself that he's supposed to be on vacation, he looks around. After all, the place is full of people in very little clothing, and if nothing else he'd like to get...hel-lo sailor.

Without bothering to disguise his interest, he stares at the blond who caught his eye. He can't tell the color of the guy's eyes from here, but the rest of him looks good, if a little pale. A newcomer, then, and maybe someone recently uncollared if the wristband is anything to go by. Unless he's just not very good at being a sub, I can't imagine why anyone would let someone that good looking go.

Without looking away from the guy, Bill raises his hand. Less than a minute later, one of the servers--Amy, in fact--is at his side. "Yes, Sir?"

"I'd like to buy a drink for the blond man over there. Whatever he likes, and tell him who it came from."

"Yes, Sir," she says, moving off.

It startles Sean when the server comes up to him unsolicited; he was reasonably sure most subs had to work to get attention from service professionals. But it all makes sense once she explains, and he asks for a glass of pineapple juice as he looks over at the man who's buying.

Now don't stare. Just smile and let him know you appreciate it. The other man's still damp from his swim, and he's not just hot, he's also radiating "top" all the way from here. Brown hair, gorgeous build -- Sean shifts his legs so his erection won't be quite so obvious. He loves this place already.

The slight squirm is almost more intriguing than the guy's smile; Bill likes the way he seems almost shy. I could take the time to chat him up or I could just see if he wants something quick. It's kind of a no-brainer for Bill, who would really like to just have a quickie with someone he knows nothing about, but if there's one thing you have pounded into your head from the moment you're identified as a top, it's that you must never assume that a sub is willing simply because they're a sub. Then again, being a top means that you can be pretty damn direct about your interest, and in this case, the guy is banded as available.

Bill gets to his feet and wanders over to stand next to the guy's lounge. "There are any number of ways I could play this," he says, looking down and taking in the extremely nice view. "But it all comes down to one thing...." He bends down and closes his hand around the guy's wrist, knowing that he's old enough to know what that means. "There's a bar through that door over there and they have a back room."

Semi-public first time sex when neither of them knows the other's preferences is a bit of a risk, of course, and Bill's hoping that the guy realizes that, sub or no, if the staff in the bar thinks he's being coerced they'll step in.

Nobody needs to tell Sean what a hand wrapped around his wrist means; he's used that on subs himself, more than once. But it's never happened to him from this side before, and he can't prevent his body's reactions to it. He gets so hard there's not a thing he could do to hide it, and he blushes from his cheeks to the top of his chest. He swallows hard, so he can get a word out, and nods. "Okay," he says softly.

Close up, Bill realizes that the guy's a little older than he expected--probably only a few years younger than Bill himself--and the combination of his age and the almost sweet shyness is incredibly appealing. Maybe he's only had one top, Bill wonders as he tugs a little on the guy's wrist and watches the way the blush lingers on his chest. Or maybe he doesn't have much experience with men.

"Come on, then," he says, moving back enough so the guy can stand up.

Sean does, and now that he's on his feet it's easier to keep his eyes lowered. He hopes it looks submissive and respectful; really, it's just so he doesn't keep staring at this top and making himself blush more. "My name's Sean," he murmurs. There's so much to remember now -- stay a step or two back, follow the top's lead... Sean can only hope this top plays safe. He'll cross that bridge when they come to it.

"I'm Bill," Bill says with a smile.

As he leads Sean back toward the discreet door that leads to the adult bar, Bill catches sight of Andrea talking into her phone as she gets out of her lounge chair. Doing his best to ignore her, he glances back at Sean, reaching for his wrist again and pulling him closer. "I'm looking for something quick and hard, Sean. How would you like it if I pulled you into the back room, shoved you against a wall and fucked you with minimal prep?" It's been so long since he's actually had to determine what will go over with a sub, and Bill's suddenly worried that he's probably being far too blunt.

"I think I'd like it," Sean says, giving the honest answer before he thinks about how it sounds. Why don't you just fucking tattoo it on your forehead? 'Fake sub looking for cheap thrills.' Christ. "I mean -- I'd like it. Sir." He's fucked subs with no prep before. He's got an idea of what he's getting into. He thinks.

As they enter the bar, Bill keeps going. He's finding Sean more than a little fascinating and he's trying to imagine what Sean's previous top was like. Probably not all that into the whole ritual aspect of it all; Sean doesn't come across as a service oriented sub. But that's fine; Bill can forgo service at a time like this.

"Good," he says as they make their way into the back room. In the middle of the day, it's mostly empty and it's easy enough for Bill to find a spare bit of wall near a table covered with supplies.

Pressing Sean face forward against the wall, Bill leans in and speaks in Sean's ear. "I want you to drop the trunks and spread your legs. Leave the shirt on." Not only does the sheer gauze of Sean's shirt look good on him, it's Bill's experience that being half-naked can get to a sub more than full nudity can.

This is really happening. Sean exhales slowly and pushes his trunks off his hips, stepping out of them when they hit the floor. He spreads his legs and rests his arms against the wall, grateful Bill's picked a spot where there are condoms in reach -- he has a feeling he looked at them hard enough to be considered pushy, but Bill's still here, so he hasn't scared him off yet.

His shirt almost tickles where it's hitting his ass; there's no way he could forget he's half-dressed. More importantly, he's half-dressed because he was told to get that way. He licks his lips and hopes like hell Bill's one of those tops who likes it when his subs are vocal; he's not sure he'll be able to hold back on the noises.

Although the condom Bill rolls onto his cock after getting rid of his trunks is lubed, he's not about to take Sean without a little more than that. Not the first time, he thinks. He wasn't fazed at all by Sean's glance at the condoms; barebacking is another thing he's not about to do the first time. Taking up some of the thicker lube, he slicks up his cock and then grabs at Sean's hip with one hand and positions himself with the other.

"Let me know you want this," he murmurs in Sean's ear.

"I want it," Sean whispers back immediately. "Please." His voice isn't shaking, he's got himself under that much control, but God. He doesn't know how to beg, he's not sure what Bill wants, but the word "please" never falls out of fashion, so that's what he sticks with. "Please, sir... please... please, yes, oh, fuck, please!"

"You're shameless," Bill says, his tone of voice making it clear he approves. If he knew Sean better he might have said it differently, might have added the word "whore" to it, but for now, he likes the fact that Sean is eager for it. Taking a deep breath, he pushes in, his hand gripping Sean's hip as he realizes just how tight Sean is.

"Been a while, hasn't it?" he says, but he doesn't stop moving into Sean. After all, Sean said he could take it, and as Bill begins to move, he's perfectly willing to take Sean at his word.

Groaning, gasping, Sean feels his body stretching for Bill's cock. He knows better than to let himself tense up, and he knows he's supposed to keep breathing, nice and steady, but somehow it's a lot harder to breathe when it's happening to him.

"Jesus," he pants, "so... fucking big," which is probably one of the dumbest things he's said all year, but right now that's all he can think of. Bill feels fucking huge to Sean right now; six years without getting fucked and very little prep will do that.

For a moment Bill thinks Sean's saying what he thinks Bill wants to hear, and he frowns, about to tell him to shut up. But no, between the breathless way Sean said the words and the fact that he's so tight, it's obvious that Sean was being sincere. Bet his top was a woman and only fucked him sometimes and never with anything all that big.

But really, speculation can wait. For now, Bill just wants to keep fucking Sean, wants to feel that tight heat around his cock again and again.

After a few more minutes, Sean loosens up enough to get past the way it feels like Bill's tearing him apart and start appreciating what it feels like to have another man driving into him this way. There's no question about permission, no forced politeness the way there's always been when Sean's gotten fucked by other tops. Sean groans and braces himself, keeping himself as steady as he can. He's gasping out loud with every thrust, though, and only the fact that he'd lose his balance if he moved either of his arms right now is keeping him from putting a hand on his cock and beating off.

"Oh, you do like that," Bill says. He slides a hand up under the shirt, searching Sean's chest until he finds one of Sean's nipples. "What else do you like, I wonder?" he asks as he begins to tug and twist, rolling Sean's nipple between thumb and finger.

That nearly brings Sean off the wall, and he squirms, groaning, not even sure if he's trying to get more of it or trying to pull away. His cock's more than just interested, though; he's sure he's going to come any second, and for the first time with a new top -- ask, he thinks, ask, ask, ask, and he moans again, trying to say please.

"You want something?" Bill asks, twisting a little harder. Let's see what it takes for you to come apart for me. He's got the feeling it won't take much more.

"Want -- please," Sean pants. "Please -- close -- want to come, please," he begs, hoping he can hold out for permission and not embarrass himself. Actually, given the way he's squirming, not embarrassing himself is probably asking a little too much, but at least he can try to wait.

"Yeah?" Still tugging at Sean's nipple, Bill keeps fucking Sean hard for another moment before he finally relents. "Come for me," he says. "Be loud."

It's never struck Sean 'til now how odd it is to alter the body's natural responses to orgasm; he's never been asked to be loud or to be quiet. But once he gets started, once he opens his mouth and starts yelling, it's like a dam breaking -- he couldn't make himself stop or keep himself quiet for the life of him. And he was right: it is a bit embarrassing. But it doesn't matter. Nothing matters but the stranger behind him and how good all this feels.

Oh, yeah, Bill thinks, and it takes some effort to hold back his own orgasm. Oh, hell, yeah.

He holds Sean up, leaning in and kissing the back of his neck as he recovers. "Good boy...that was sounded so good."

"Thank you," Sean pants, meaning it more than he's meant anything in a long time. He knows Bill's still waiting, though, and God, he wants to be good for him... he's just hoping he'll be able to stay on his feet while Bill finishes. "Thank you," he whispers again.

Sean's gratitude is tangible and Bill smiles against Sean's neck. "I want to come," he says. "And I can do it two this," and he moves inside Sean, "or I can pull out, turn you around and come on your chest. You okay with that?" It's weird to ask, weird not to just do it, but they didn't do anything that resembled negotiation before the scene, and Bill refuses to make assumptions.

Sean blinks and nods, but he realizes a nod doesn't mean much right now, especially when there's more than one option on the table. "I'd... yes," he says softly, "yes, I'm all right with either." He stops himself before he can say anything you want, sir -- it's better not to make open-ended offers with someone he barely knows.

"Good boy," Bill says, kissing Sean again before he backs away. "Turn around and go to your knees," he adds as he strips off the condom and begins to work his cock. The pause had taken some of the edge off, but thinking about what he was about to do was more than enough to bring it back.

It's not exactly the most graceful kneel ever -- Sean knows full well they've both seen better -- but he does get on his knees, and he pulls his shirt apart before putting his hands behind his back. It takes doing all that before he realizes just what he's about to do, what Bill's about to do to him, and his eyes go wide as he looks at Bill's cock. He doesn't even notice it when he licks his lips.

"Oh, fuck," Bill mutters when Sean licks his lips. That little thing, so obviously not planned or done for effect, hits him hard and it only takes one more rough stroke of his cock before he's coming, his eyes open to watch as streaks of it land on Sean's chest and face.

It's a shock, no doubt about that, but the feel of it and the way, suddenly, Sean can smell Bill all over him... dear fucking Christ. He licks his lips and keeps watching Bill, saying a little prayer of gratitude for that S on his driver's license.

Even though he's panting and has got one hand on the wall to brace himself up, Bill catches the look of gratitude on Sean's face. "You look good like that," he says, reaching down to run his hand over Sean's hair. "You're a good boy."

Someone, he thinks, needs to tell him that. I've got a feeling he hasn't heard it much, and that's a damn shame.

One of these days, Sean's going to learn how to keep his blushing under control. Today's not that day, though, and he ends up grinning and blushing all at once. "Thank you, sir," he says softly. It doesn't seem like nearly enough.

After pulling his trunks back up, Bill leans down and offers Sean a hand up. "This is always the slightly awkward part," he says with a wry smile. "I'd like to buy you lunch, if you're interested." I'd like to get to know you better, see what kind of a person you are. I'd like to fuck you again, too, of course.

Sean takes the hand and climbs to his feet, pulling his trunks up with a wince. Fuck me, I'll be feeling that for days. "You don't have to pay for lunch," he says automatically, and damn near bites his tongue after he says it. You'd have offered the same thing to any sub you'd just had sex with, wouldn't you? "I mean... I'd like to go to lunch with you. Very much."

"All right, then," Bill says. "And me paying is no big deal; I'm partly here on vacation and partly here to decide if this place is a good investment." He grins at Sean. "And they know it, which means that there's a lot of free food and excellent service involved.

"But never mind that right now," he says, moving in closer to Sean. "I have a much more important question: can I kiss you?"

Sean laughs. "Yeah," he says, and he remembers his place well enough to wait for Bill to make it happen.

God, you're adorable, Bill thinks, sliding his hand around to the back of Sean's neck. He moves in closer and brushes his lips across Sean's for a second before biting down on Sean's lower lip. He's a little startled at his reaction to Sean and his need to kiss Sean breathless.

It's harder letting Bill lead than Sean would have expected. Right now he'd like to kiss back hard -- he wants to let Bill know just how much he liked all this, how much he needed it. But he's going to have to come up with something else, because kissing like a top is not in the cards. He does reach out, though, touching Bill's hip lightly as the kiss deepens.

"It's okay," Bill says, pulling back for a moment. "I like guys who kiss back." The newness of this, the feeling that neither of them know each other, is just what Bill wanted, and as he moves back in for the kiss, he finds himself hoping that there's nothing on this guy that'll make him a security risk.

You like guys who kiss back, eh? Sean thinks. He's got no reason to believe that Bill's being less than honest with him -- unlike Sean himself -- so he does exactly that, kisses back nice and solid. The only thing he holds himself back from doing is fighting for dominance over the kiss. Bill's leading, and that's that.

It's only when Bill finally pulls back from what has to be one of the better kisses he's had in quite a while that he realizes they're both sticky now. "I think we both need to shower before lunch," he says, wishing he could tell Sean not to shower. But that kind of thing is more suited to home or one of the sex clubs, not to mention that he really has no idea of Sean's preferences.

"Yeah," Sean agrees. "You're probably right. It shouldn't take me more than twenty minutes; do you have a favorite restaurant here?"

"I only got in this morning," Bill says. "But I liked the looks of the Harbor View; I'll meet you there in about a half an hour." He leans forward and kisses Sean hard. "I'm looking forward to learning more about you."

For once, Sean's glad subs have a reputation for being seen and not heard; it means he can let that remark go without doing more than smiling and nodding. You're not going to find out everything, he thinks. You wouldn't like me anywhere near this much if you did.

"Half an hour," he agrees. "I'll see you then."


Notes: You may have heard of helenish's excellent fic Take Clothes Off As Directed (SGA, John/Rodney, NC-17, kink). The world in TCOAD is divided into doms and subs, with subs getting much the same treatment as women did in the '40s and '50s here in the real world. The universe interested us enough that we thought it'd be fun to see what happens to some of our most familiar muses if they were in a world like that; while our focus is less on drawing parallels between subs and women and more on the questions of what happens when one's sexuality falls outside established norms, the inspiration is still pretty clear. We tip our hats to helenish and urge you to read TCOAD, even if you're not in SGA fandom (we aren't!).

bill, misdirected, sean

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