Speaking of...Ep 5 of State Within

Dec 01, 2006 12:04

I think there are maybe two or three people on my flist actually watching this. Although hopefully that number will go up as I spread the eps around. Regardless, I'mma post in my usual random way about it now anyway.

Oh Jane, you clever, clever girl! I was so afraid she hadn't made copies, but it seems she had. And Nicholas hadn't? I really doubt that, I think he was trying to spare Mark the pain of having to see Saida shot.

Speaking of Saida...I knew, thanks to something on the Beeb site, that she and Mark had been lovers, but for her to be "the only woman" for him was a tiny bit OTT. Still you have to wonder whose son Azzam is.

Speaking of lovers, Jane and Mark were hot together, but the scene didn't push my buttons the way that their first scene did. Nice to know that Mark can do gentle, but I missed the grunting. :) The thing where she slid his suspenders/braces down was kinda hot though. Also I love that there are rumors that he's gay! I be happy to write him as either bi or gay for Nicholas.

And speaking of Nicholas, OMG yay! To make up for the sweet love making, we have Mark smacking Nicholas around. Nice bit of scenery there with Nicholas lying on the floor on his back with Mark standing over him. Guess we now know who the top would be in that relationship, never mind that Sir Mark has the most fuckable arse in the Foreign Office.

Speaking of the FO, I could bring myself to feel sorry for poor Phil if he weren't so obvious about gloating over Mark's perceived Fall From Grace. Then again after watching the first couple of episodes again, Mark treats Phil with a degree of rather obvious contempt, so yeah no love lost there.

Speaking of--and yes, I see the theme here--no love lost, Nicholas and Christopher's farewell scene was utterly fantastic. "I can smell the testosterone from here." Hee! You go with your butch bitchy self, Nicholas. And that thing about leftenants being expendable will hopefully make Christopher think.

Speaking of thinking, OMG Jane causing the guy to crash the SUV so that she'd either end up dead or injured! Goddamn that was brilliant and ballsy. Going to Tampa may not have been the brightest thing to do, but once she was kidnapped, she proved that she was no wimpy "oh woe is me" kind of heroine.

Speaking of "oh woe is me," wow, do I not really care at all about Caroline and Gordon. Talk about two bland people who belong together. It's nice to know that he's not all up in Lynn's plans, but still, he's kind of a tool if the only way he can think of to protect her is to propose. Cos yeah, you've been together for a few weeks now and in that time her Dad's been blowed up and now his company is being accused of sending components for nuclear weapons to Central Asia, but hey, why not pop the question while the reporters are just outside. Jerk. But honestly, they deserve each other because she's so fucking boring even taking her her weird clothes and odd hair into consideration.

Speaking of boring women, George? Is not. I love her more and more with each episode and I really like the way that Mark knew how to get her hackles up so she'll start doing some digging of her own. Not that she wouldn't anyway, but the best way to get someone like that on the case is to make them suspicious.

Finally, speaking of suspicious, nice way to get caught talking to Garcia, Mark. I do like that he felt he could trust Garcia, which I think is a good call because Garcia isn't all caught up in the need to go to war and he's actually been aruging against it. For Mark to trust him even though he doesn't know all that is a good sign that Mark's judgment isn't impaired.

Whew! I had a lot to say there.

jason squee, state within

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