FIC: Getting Quiet on the Louder Side (RPS AU, Liam/Jason, NC-17)

Nov 23, 2006 21:58

Getting Quiet on the Louder Side
Author: darkrosetiger and telesilla
Fandom/Pairing: RPS AU, Liam Neeson/Jason Isaacs
Rating: NC-17
50kinkyways prompt: 035/050 -- Gags
Word Count: 2,070
Disclaimer: Not RL; didn't happen. If you think this has anything to do with the real actors involved, then you need to put down the crack pipe.
Summary: It's Friday evening after a boring board meeting and Liam wants to get the weekend started early.

Notes: This takes place in the same Office Porn universe as the earlier Liam/Jason story Choose Your Own Ground Our inspiration pics: Jason and Liam. The actual prompt was for "gag balls" but we decided to change it a bit. The title is from "I'm in Love" by Men Without Hats.

"Christ, sometimes I think I'd rather chew off one of my own legs than sit through another goddamned meeting," Liam growls, stalking into his office with Jason behind him. "At least they liked your presentation, so that's something, but still--what a waste of time. You really need to get cracking on a VR setup for this kind of thing."

"We could make a mint, that's for certain," Jason says. "Although I don't know if I could be in a meeting with you knowing that in reality you were back home in jeans and no shirt. Might be a bit distracting." Not that the sight of Liam in a nice suit isn't utterly distracting, but Jason knows that Liam is probably hating his tie more with each passing second.

"Mmm. And I can't afford to have you distracted. Well, not too much, anyway." Liam grins and rests a hip on his desk as he yanks his tie off. He glances up at the door, making sure it's shut, and crooks a finger at Jason. "Over here, boy."

It's really fucking hard to drop down to his knees, but Jason's really not at all interested in being punished for failing to follow a standing order. Swallowing hard, he crawls over to Liam, trying not to think about the fact that there are still people in the building.

"That's it. Good boy." Liam does understand how hard it is for Jason to go down--he's done his time as a bottom, after all--but he also knows that it's what they both need, in order to restore their equilibrium. He unfastens his belt and zip just enough to get his cock out, and looks at Jason expectantly.

Jason's mouth starts watering the moment he sees Liam's fingers on his belt buckle, and he swallows again as he kneels up. After, licking a stripe--a long stripe--from the base of Liam's cock to the tip, he slowly lowers his mouth down, moaning a little.

Liam groans, resting a hand on Jason's head. The first time they'd done this, he'd been astonished that someone with the limited experience Jason said he had was such an accomplished cocksucker. Natural talent, he'd said then; eight years later, it was still true. "Nice...I bet you've been waiting for this all day...knowing that I'd get you alone in here and want your mouth." He gasps as Jason hits a particularly sensitive spot.

To be honest, Jason had actually been doing his best not to think about it all day. Remembering this sort of thing, thinking about how much he likes being here on his knees sucking Liam off, really cramps his own managerial style. Now however, now he's not thinking about managing or anything aside from the way it feels to have the thick bulk of Liam's cock in his mouth.

"Such an...oh, yeah...such an obedient, gorgeous, brilliant boy I have." Liam tangles his fingers in Jason's hair, shoving against Jason's face, though not enough to choke him yet. "I'm gonna come in your mouth, and then hurt you, and then we'll go home so I can give you a good hard pasting, yeah?"

Why can't you fuck me here? Jason finds himself thinking. And maybe forego the whole hurting thing. Pain is always tricky for Jason, as much as he wants it and even knows he needs it, the idea of it can still frighten him at times. He doesn't let his feelings get in the way of the blow job however; he continues sucking hard as Liam pushes into him and using his tongue when Liam pulls out enough to make it possible.

Liam holds Jason's head still so he can fuck his mouth. As he often does, he wonders how he got lucky enough to find Jason. Then he stops wondering, stops thinking about anything but how good it feels as he comes.

Jason gets it all down, but he still licks his lips as he looks up at Liam, knowing that Liam loves seeing him like that. "Thank you, Master," he says, trying to ignore his own erection.

Liam bends down to kiss Jason's bruised, swollen lips. "You're welcome, boy." He tucks himself back in, zips up his pants, and goes over to the leather sofa against one wall, taking his jacket off and tossing it over the back of the softa. "Over here, lad. I want your trousers and shorts down, and you across my lap."

After crawling over to Liam, Jason bends his head and drops a quick kiss on the toe of one of Liam's shoes. Pulling his trousers and shorts down, he moves up onto the sofa and over Liam's lap. His face is burning, between the crawling and being in the position for a spanking with his pants around his knees, Jason's tolerance for humiliation is being pushed. He's so damn good at that.

"Mmm...good boy." Liam nips at one of Jason's ears lightly. "Now, then...don't want you making too much noise, so..." He takes his tie and a handkerchief out of his pocket, shoves the handkerchief into Jason's mouth and uses the tie to anchor it. It's purely gratuitous, and they both know it--Liam's office, like Jason's, is very well soundproofed--but Liam likes the way Jason looks with his pants down around his ankles and an improvised gag in his mouth. He rubs a big hand over Jason's ass before giving him a firm smack, followed quickly by several more. "Red looks good on you, lad--your ass and your face."

Jason squirms on Liam's lap, utterly aware of what he must look like. He's seen it before, thanks to the mirrors at home, but this is here at work, which makes it all so much worse. Or better, depending on how you look at it. He squirms again as Liam's hand lands on his ass.

"Feel free to whimper and wriggle all you like," Liam says, not letting up at all. "I like it--lets me know how much you really want it."

Knowing that he's pushing Liam as much as Liam's pushing him, Jason growls behind the gag and squirms like he's trying to get off Liam's lap. It's absurd of course; he has no intention of going anywhere while Liam's still beating him, but sometimes he simply can't just lie there and take it.

Liam chuckles and presses his free hand between Jason's shoulder blades, pinning him down. "Oh, I'm not letting you get away, slut," he growls, landing several particularly hard blows on Jason's ass. "Who're you trying to kid, anyway? We both know how much you need this."

Whimpering into the handkerchief, Jason relaxes into the spanking. Liam's right; they both know he's right, so really, why fight it any more? Besides, if Jason fights too hard, he knows damn well he won't like the consequences.

"Yeah...that's my boy," Liam says. If he were a little younger, he'd definitely be getting hard again, what with Jason squirming on his lap and his cock pressing against Liam's leg. "Maybe when we get home, I'll lay into you with that lucite stick you like so much...."

Jason's utterly unable to hold back a loud moan at Liam's words. Liam's always honored their agreement to never hurt Jason so much he'll feel it on a morning when he has to go to work, but it's Friday and Jason has no reason to come in tomorrow. He can feel the fear and anticipation building up as he thinks about how much that damn lucite thing hurts, and he shifts, rubbing his cock against the fine wool of Liam's trousers.

"Like that idea, huh? Just make sure you don't come before I tell you that you can, boy." Liam slides his hand up and rests it on the back of Jason's neck. "A couple more, I think, and then we can head out." He brings his other hand down again, putting all of his strength into the blow.

Jason lets out--or tries to let out--a yell at that. It really does hurt now and he's desperate to come even though he knows he won't be allowed. Please...God please....

Liam gives Jason a few more hard smacks. "That's good for now, I think," he says, patting Jason's hip. "Up with you--but keep your pants down for the moment."

Aware that he must look completely ridiculous in his dress shirt, tie still tied, with an erection and his pants now falling about his ankles, Jason reaches up to touch the gag. He wouldn't dream of removing it, but there's something incredibly hot about it being there; it's the final touch really. There's a whole securely locked cabinet in Liam's office that's full of toys, including any number of gags. That Liam didn't bother, that he just shoved a handkerchief in Jason's mouth and tied it with one of his Jerry Garcia ties says so much.

Liam gets up, stretching a little, and goes over to the locked cabinet. After a moment's thought, he selects a medium-sized butt plug from one shelf and a bottle of lube from another before closing the cabinet. "Strip off to the waist," he orders Jason. "I'll want you to get changed so we can go home on the bike, but first..." He holds up the plug, smiling as he applies the lube.

Christ you're fiendish, Jason thinks, actually glad the gag's there to prevent him from saying something like that out loud. Ducking his head down, he strips his shoes, pants and shirt off, and then turns and bends down, putting his hands on the sofa and spreading his legs. Like a fucking whore.

Liam has to take a moment just to stop and admire the view. "Alright--hold still, lad, and don't worry. I've seen you take a lot bigger than this." With that, he carefully eases the plug into Jason's nicely-reddened ass.

The very fact that Jason often takes things that are bigger makes the whole thing feel even more frustrating. He whimpers into the gag and pushes back hard, hoping that Liam will fuck him with the plug just a little.

"Greedy. Fucking. Slut," Liam hisses in Jason's ear. Grasping the base of the plug, he pulls it out and then shoves it back in roughly. "That what you want, slut? Want to get fucked? Don't worry--soon as I get you home, I'm gonna fuck you into the wall. For now, just think about this, and how it'll feel when you're sitting behind me on the bike."

As usual, Liam's roughness is exactly what Jason wants and he gives a muffled cry and then another as Liam stops and slaps him on the ass. He doesn't really want to think about the bike ride home. It's bad enough to be on the bike after a beating, this will probably be the most frustrating ride he's ever taken. Just hope I don't come from it.

Liam strips down and changes into his jeans, chaps, t-shirt, leather jacket and boots. When he's dressed and feeling much more like himself, he takes out Jason's riding clothes--boots, jeans, and jacket--and tosses it all on the sofa. "Hurry up and get changed, boy, and we can go."

Seeing Liam in his leathers isn't really helping Jason's erection any, and he winces as he pulls the jeans on. They're snug enough and the rough denim against his cock and freshly spanked ass would be enough to keep him hard all the way home even if he didn't have the plug stuffed inside him.

Dressed, Jason crawls over to Liam, nuzzling his boots for a moment before kneeling up to have the gag removed.

"Christ, lad, do you have any idea how fucking good you look doing that?" Liam undoes the tie and takes the handkerchief out of Jason's mouth, then tugs on Jason's tie to get him to stand so he can kiss him thoroughly. Giving Jason's ass one last squeeze, he says, "Mine."

"Yours, Master," Jason replies, leaning against Liam for a moment. "Can we leave now?"

"Anxious to have me in you instead of the silicone?" Liam kisses Jason's forehead. "Yeah, let's go." They walk out to the elevators together, past the empty offices, and Liam can't help grinning. Everyone thinks I must be totally vanilla, because they can't imagine either of us subbing. If only they knew.

continued here

office porn, 50kinkyways, liam, jason

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