Five Things...

Aug 30, 2006 18:46

The results of Five Things List Meme:

for green_grrl

Five Ways Bruce Triumphed Over Ducard

Much cooler set of wheels.
Alfred easily worth ten ninjas, if not more.
Better sense of humor.
Two words: European models
And, of course, that whole not getting blowed up real good thing.

For _regina

Five reasons I (or anyone) should go out and watch Sharpe.

Sean Bean
Sean Bean often removes his shirt.
Sharpe and Harper OMG so slashy!
Sharpe and Teresa OMG so hot!
Uniform porn.

Top five costumes in Velvet Goldmine.

Arthur desperately trying to be cool with the velveteen jacket and platform shoes
Curt's Gimme Danger ensemble.
That thing with the feathers Brian was wearing when he got "shot"
Curt and Brian's clothes in the "kiss in front of the reporters" scene.
Brian's incredible outfit in the Maxwell Demon vid.

Five pairs of people who shagged during filming of Black Hawk Down.

Jason and Bill
Bill and Nik
Ewan and Eric
Orlando and anyone who asked
Ridley Scott and Hans Zimmer

For ribby

Five Things Bale Will Never Say Upon Seeing Liam Naked for the First Time

Put your clothes back on.
No really, I'm straight.
Now here, put this dress on.
Not tonight, I have a headache.
Actually, it's not that big.

Five Ways Sharpe Says "You're Mine" to Harper, but not those words (e.g., the "As You Wish=I love you" vein) *grin*

That major fight in "Rifles" when he manages to beat the crap out of Harper.
He lets Harper shave him.
Aside from Teresa, Harper is more important to him than the latest woman in his life.
He allows Harper to fuss over him when he's injured.
He understands that always making him tea is Harper's way of saying "I'm yours."

Five Things Sean Knows Viggo Needs/Wants, but will never ask for

damn you

Reminders to get a haircut
A threesome with Maria Bello
The complete Bangles discography
Something Sean drew specifically for him.
A scene involving bondage and tickling.

Five Conversations Partridge Doesn't Dare Have with Preston

"Did you see that bloke down in accounting this morning? Cute little twink, wasn't he?"
"I think we should try smoking this stuff instead of destroying it."
"Sending your wife off to be incinerated was wrong."
"What do you think she's smiling about in that painting?"
"I'm in love with you and have been for years now."

For jrho

5 reasons characters in Troy wore little clothing

Historically, they wore even less.
Greece and Turkey in the summer? Hot.
If you had boobs like Eric's/a treasure trail like Orli's/legs like Bean's, would you wear more clothing?
Wolfgang blew the budget on hookers and blow and the costumer had to do the best she could with what little money was left. This also explains the crappy script.
They were all gay men who liked looking at one another cousins.

5 examples of Padme's chemistry with Obi-Wan

This one stumped me, because while I totally noticed her lack of chemistry with Anakin, I didn't see much with Obi-Wan either. So I only have three.

The way she kind of brushes Anakin off when they first meet again in AotC.
The whole "fuck you, I'mma rescue him!" thing in AotC.
The way she sided with him against Anakin there toward the end in RotS

5 characters who should have been completely ornamental(no speaking lines) out of all the fandom you listed

Strangely enough, I choked on this one too and only came up with four. Sorry about that. :(

Rachel Dawes in Batman Begins--wow was she insipid. If I were Bruce, I'd have stuck with the European models. Part of it was the script and part of it was the fact that Katie's bland as hell.
Paris in Troy-- although really, I mostly blame the script writer and not Orlando.
Deanna Troi in TNG--only in certain episodes, mind you, but she did spend a little too much time pointing out the bloody obvious.
Seven of Nine in ST: Voyager--OMG so much potential wasted by making her a sex kitten. Again, I blame the writers.

For thefannishwaldo

5 ways Kurt and Brian might have patched things up between them.

Both of them could have sobered up.
Brian could have sacked Shannon and Jerry.
Mandy could have realized she didn't have a chance and tried to get them to make it work.
Brian could have apologized for being an asshole.
They could have set down some rules for an open relationship.

5 times Qui-Gon wishes he didn't have to explain something to Padawan Obi-Wan

When Obi-Wan asked why no one else's padawan gets a rock for their birthday.
When Obi-Wan asked why Master Dooku left the Order.
When Obi-Wan asked why his master was flinching at every bright light and loud noise after spending an evening with Master Windu.
When Obi-Wan asked how exactly having three women in bed at the same time was part of a "negotiation."
When Obi-Wan asked why he shouldn't tell Master Yoda about Master Qui-Gon's imitation of "that grumpy little green troll."

For celtprincess13

5 things Sharpe wishes he could say to Harper

"I don't suppose you could make coffee some mornings?"
"To be honest, maggots really freak me out."
"Do you mind being on top once in a while?"
"Stuff this for a lark, let's just desert and head off for the West Indies."
"I love you, Patrick."

5 kinky things Jack Sparrow has done to Will

Dressed him up like Giselle.
Bent him over a canon on the Pearl and spanked him.
Asked Will to fist him.
Shared him with Norrington.
Let Elizabeth do Will with a strap-on while Jack did her.

For angiepen

Five Jobs that Paris, the newly-unemployed Prince of Troy, will never qualify for.

King of Troy
Founder of Rome

Five criminals (or kinds of criminals) who probably don't have to worry about Batman hunting them down.

Boring little accountant types who embezzle
Anyone not good looking
Anyone who isn't a megalomaniac or otherwise crazy
Anyone who commits petty crimes--Batman is an Fame Whore and he leaves the boring stuff to Gordon.
Anyone who doesn't dress like a lunatic.

Five books the Librian sense-police won't bother burning.

I Feel Nothing, You Feel Nothing
Better Living Through Chemistry, the Librian Way
Feeling Nothing, the Even Newer Mood Therapy
The Feeling Nothing Handbook
Remembrance of Things Past by Proust

Five things Padawan Obi-Wan never got for his birthday.

A cake.
A trip to Chuck E. Cheese's.
A nice shag from his master.
Anything that wasn't a rock.

For butterflysteel

Five Things Preston Wishes He Could Say But Can't

"Wow, have I got the munchies. I could really go for some Cherry Garcia and a bag of potato chips right now."
"Does the cut of my uniform make my ass look fat?"
"My guns are really very sexy."
"Sorry, I'm more of a Byron fan; Yates is too modern for me."
"I love you, Errol."

Five Ways Bruce Wants To Screw Crane Sideways

While dressed in the Bat suit.
While Crane is bound and gagged
At night on the top of Wayne Tower
While Crane is dressed like a girl
In a threesome with Ducard.

Five Experiences Kurt and Brian Never Shared.

Sex while both of them weren't stoned and/or drunk.
Sex with Arthur.
Doing one of those musical charity events like "We Are the World."
Shopping for clothes at the Men's Wearhouse.
A meaningful relationship.

For the_reverand ]

Five Lines from Bruce/Preston (Batman/Equilibrium crossover) Fics

Not in sequence or anything.

Either of them: "Do I know you from somewhere?"
Bruce: "My car? So much better than yours."
Preston: "What's the point of pretending to be someone else?"
Either of them: "Does this suit make my ass look fat?"
Either of them: " wanna fuck?

For temve

Five things Liam likes on his skin

Real silk velvet
Candle wax
Natasha's hair
Jason's tongue

For diamona

Five real people Curt Wild would have slept with.

David Bowie (yeah I know it's cheating, but still...)
Mick Jagger
Iggy Pop (this is even cheating even more)
Andy Warhol
Nico (but only if he was really stoned at the time)

For bkm5191

five movies Liam will never make not even for 50 million dollars

a remake of Tootsie
any movie where he needs to ride a motorcycle
another movie where he has to act opposite Julia Roberts
a remake of Top Hat with Liam in the Astaire role.
Schindler's List II: Electric Bugaloo
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