
May 25, 2006 14:50

Three recs today, two RPS and one Harry Potter. I know last night I said I had two Harry Potter recs, but I need more time after more sleep to do justice to the really long one, and the second RPS fic just showed up on my flist, written expressly for me.

And I Mean that, Neeson by temve.
This is what dominance sounds like. Silly of him to think it had anything to do with cracking whips and shouting.

Those of you from TPM and/or Batman Begins fandom will already know Tem already as someone who combines kink and excellent writing and, in TPM, intriguing AUs. And if you go from what those two fandoms have in common, it should come as no surprise that her first foray into RPS features Liam. What rocks my socks is that it's Liam with Alan Rickman, which is a pairing that I don't think I've ever seen before. And that's a damn shame when you think about it, given that both men are not only hot but can cause underwear to self-destruct with their voices alone. Plus, unlike my OTP of Liam/Jason, they've actually worked together. This fic is all about fun with both public transportation and hints of D/s, and my only real caveat is that it's such a tease.

Improvosation by ravenna_c_tan.
"Come, Snape, no need to be so prickly." Alan is a couple inches taller than me, but the Malfoy voice essentially says, no matter what the dialogue: I am better than you. I am your superior, and you will bow to me. Oh yes, that and I have a hidden agenda. "Not when we have... so much in common."

I then broke away, my body language nonchalant but my eyes still locked with his. "So tell, me, Professor, what is your opinion of my boy's progress at Hogwarts?" God, it was so easy, so much fun to just make that voice drip with all kinds of insinuations.

It really is Alan Rickman day in the RPS world today and how fantastic is that? This one is Alan/Jason and, even better, it's Alan/Jason playing at being Snape and Lucius. Even better still is the part where it's also mildly kinky. Ravenna said that meta-theater is a kink of hers and it's always been a kink of mine as well, so this made me a happy Ruth, which is what gift fic is all about, yeah?

Corrosion by darkrosetiger.
"Why don't you hate me more? You should. I'm a Weasley, for fuck's sake, and I treat you like a servant." Worse--like a whore. "You should despise me. Maybe you do, but you don't show it." Ron runs a hand through his hair. "I don't get it."

OK, yes I know she's my girlfriend, but hush; this is really good. Written for a cliché fest that asks people to put a new twist on old clichés, this is Nancy's take on "former Death Eater sold as a slave after the war." It's Ron/Lucius, which is an awesome pairing that, for obvious reasons, isn't done all that often, and Nancy looks at what Lucius can do for Ron, what Ron can do to Lucius and just who has the upper hand here, really. She gives us a grown up Ron who is still very much the Ron we know from the books, and her Lucius is, as always, a real treat. It's a WIP, but she's one chapter from the end and so this one will be finished. Because, you know, we have a couch now.

hp recs, rps recs, recs

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