Invasion 1.04 -- Monkey Out Of Nowhere!

Oct 12, 2005 22:54

Also, Houston, we have achived HoYay!

Still not the best TV show I've ever seen (which, in case you're asking, was ST:TNG and it took a whole TWO seasons before they got it sort of right) but it really is improving. Calling this ep "Alpha Male" was still pretty damn anvilicious, though. I wish Ranger Russell would just give up, because, Dude you know Sheriff Tom's is bigger so just quit waving yours around, OK? And hon? Don't lie to Dave, you couldn't kick Tom's ass in a million years.

Apparently the big complaint on various boards is that the pacing isn't quick enough. I'm thinking that it's only what, the fourth episode? I don't want to know the whole story now; I want to discover it as the "good guys" discover it. And I like the extended family dynamic; anyone who's divorced and remarried will understand why it's grimly funny that Sheriff Tom has Ranger Russell's place on his radio speed dial "only as long as we share kids."

The stepcest plot is a little over the top, but, then again this is a TV show about freakin' aliens so over the top is only to be expected. And you can't help feeling sorry for these kids; particularly Kira the Clueless, who I'm beginning to like more and more. She does all this stupid teenaged stuff and then comes up with an insight like her dad not feeling any guilt, which tied in really nicely with Sheriff Tom telling Dr. Mom that he didn't remember how he felt about Kira the Clueless after Wife #1 was killed by aliens/her husband died.

Ok yeah, the HoYay. (paraphrase) "If you'd listened to me, we'd be home in bed right now ... with our wives." Uh, sure Sheriff Tom. I think the orange glowy dolphin/whale thing inside you really needs to experiment with Teh ButtSecks. Like now. Then again looks like Sheriff Tom was coming on to Larkin, Our Woman on the Scene, so maybe the alien's just horny all the way round.

I like the whole bit with the guy who turned out to be the carrier. I was wondering if he was an alien from early on because he had that whole vacant stare thing going on. I also like how the monkeys were a red herring and how Lewis didn't turn out to be a redshirt like I thought he was gonna be.

Bill Squee Factor: High. He was totally the Alpha Male of the title. *fans self* The hottest moment had to be him leaning against the door while talking to Larkin, OWotS with his thumbs hooked in his belt. God he looked hot there. Also very funny when he was talking about Ranger Russell and Larkin, OWotS, being cute. When RR points that Sheriff Tom and Dr. Mom are newlyweds too: "Well yeah but we're ... not quite that cute." Sheriff Tom, you are many things but cute is NOT one of them. You need to settle for Damn Hot. Sorry.

So yeah, next week looks interesting. We get to see Sheriff Tom draw his gun, which is just damn sexy when Bill does it. If you don't believe me, watch the training segment in the making of BHD. Also, the return of Father O'Alien (tip o' the hat to virtuistic who calls Sheriff Tom, Sheriff McAlien) and
some other stuff will undoubtedly happen.

Also, plis to be giving us more Ranger Aisha, kthx. She's totally hot in a hot dykey way that's hot.

Wow, that was totally and utterly random.

invasion, bill squee

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