So who were some of those women?

Jul 12, 2005 19:46

I realized that not everyone knew all of the wives/girlfriends/partners I mentioned in my poll. So, here's a little pic spam. None of these are paparazzi shots and I only grabbed pics of them with their men if I couldn't get one of them alone.

Kate Bosworth

I have never seen her in anything, and all I know about her is that she's on again off again with Orli and that she's actually quite cute if you like blondes. I hear she's not a very good actress.

Natasha Richardson

Natasha is of course, a very gifted actress, and is also a fairly attractive woman if you like blondes with big mouths. I think she's much better looking in motion than in still photographs, not unlike her husband. *grins*

Gina, aka That blonde chick we're all assuming is Bean's new gf

All I know is that her name is apparently Gina and that really I doubt she's actually half Sean's age.

Sienna Miller

Jude Law's fiancé. I know nothing about her except I've heard that she's not a very good actress. She's cute, again moreso if you like blondes. Why do all these men like blondes? Why do I have to ask that?

Eve Mavrakis

Eve is French and is a production designer. I've always thought she's absolutely lovely. Also, she's not blonde!

Vanessa Paradis

I know she's a model. I think she also acts and sings, and anatsuno (who should know) says she's actually more known in France than Johnny. I couldn't find a pic of her that wasn't with Johnny or not a posed shot.

Emma Hewitt

Emma's a documentary producer for the BBC. She and Jason have been together for 17 years and he's often implied that she's the adult in the relationship. He's also said that they'll get married when their daughter Lily tells them they're embarrassing her. She's pretty enough in that jolly British gal way and I love that she's curvy. To be fair, Nancy and I did the math and we think this pic -- from the BHD premier -- was when she was pregnant.

Sibi Blazic

I know next to nothing about Sibi because Bale simply doesn't talk about his personal life in interviews. I think she's absolutely gorgeous. dragonkal informs me that Sibi used to be Winona Ryder's personal assistant and that's how she met Bale.

pic spam

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