More Fic

Sep 21, 2014 16:52

This fucker is eating my life; I'm writing even while I'm playing the Sims and watching TV.

Chapter Five of “I’ve Traveled All this Way for Something” is up at AO3.

Chapter Five: Day Two

"Kneel up over there," Hunter says, pointing to a spot in front of the big sofa. "Don’t bother getting to your feet."

Buster’s face feels like it’s on fire; crawling always makes him feel huge and clumsy. Neither of them laugh at him though. In fact, they’re not really paying any attention; Hunter’s undressing and Lincecum is...digging around in the couch?

"There it is," Lincecum says, holding up the bottle of lube from yesterday. "Fucking couch eats everything." He tosses it to Hunter.

This has got to be the weirdest household any slave’s ever been a part of.

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the slave fic, the est, pairing: posey/ofc, pairing: lincecum/posey, fic: 2014, pairing: lincecum/pence/posey, rating: explicit, fic: giants rpf

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