daily happy

Aug 09, 2014 22:26

1. The Melting Pot -- Cheese fondue and then hot broth to cook all kinds of yummy meat in and then...oh God, they have a new chocolate fondue called Dark and Dulce. It's dark chocolate and a big spoonful of dulce de leche with a little big of coarse sea salt. It was fucking fabulous and so rich. Yum yum yum.

2. On our way over there we were stopped at a stop sign and this street person crossed in front of us and yelled "Ladies, you look so gangsta tonight," or words to that effect. Which...oh God no. For one thing, can you even be gangsta while driving a Jetta? Also, although the guy couldn't see our feet, we both think that wearing Birkenstocks pretty much means that you are so not gangsta. We never could figure out what he meant. I mean, dude was clearly crazy, but still, we're a pair of middle aged women in a mom car. We laughed about it all through dinner.

3. I'm actually running out of good things to say about the Giants when they lose. Um...our pitcher pitched really well? Um, the defense didn't screw anything up this time? Um...Buster Posey has a nice ass? Seriously, this team....

crossposted from http://telesilla.dreamwidth.org/360884.html |
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