What are you currently reading?
A biography of Oliver Cromwell, which I'm moving through pretty slowly since it's kind of my back up book. I tend to read it just before bed because it is interesting but not so much so that I'll stay up all night to finish it. I just started a book about the 1954 baseball season and how the first generation of Black baseball superstars changed the game.
What did you recently finish reading?
California Bones by Greg van Eekhout. This is sort of an urban fantasy heist novel set in SoCal. It's got an interesting magic system and there's obviously some world-building behind the story. I liked the main characters well enough, but I'm kind of reserving judgement until I read the inevitable sequel, because I want to see more of the world-building in action.
What do you think you'll read next?
I just got a box of books from Mom. She's kind of active on Goodreads and scores all kinds of ARCs in giveaways. One of the books she sent me was The Quick by Lauren Owen, which has been on my "Want to Read" list for a while. Of course I looked at it and it's a 525 page trade paperback and all I could think was "this would be easier to read on Kindle."
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http://telesilla.dreamwidth.org/359566.html |
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