Wednesday stuffs

Oct 16, 2013 23:34


Just read: Lady of the Roses -- Imagine you find a book set in a historical period--War of the Roses-- you like about someone no one ever writes about--Isobel/Isabel Neville, sister in law to the Kingmaker. You'd be pretty excited, right? Only you read it and it's the most ridiculous thing ever, with the heroine continually doing stupid shit and disguising herself and wandering around the countryside. The last straw was when she disguised herself as a Gypsy and went to visit her husband's military camp and danced for him in front of his officers. And she's veiled so he didn't recognize her until she pulled her skirt up to her thigh. Yeah, no. We know next to nothing about Isobel, so yeah, obviously you get to make shit up, but please, have people act the way people of their era did.

Reading: The Wedding Shroud. Young girl from very early Rome is married to an Etruscan nobleman for political reasons. I'm liking this one, although it could be as inaccurate as Lady of the Roses for all I know. Well, not really. I know next to nothing about Etruscan culture, but I do know a little about early Rome and the author got that stuff right. Her heroine is interesting--and acts like you'd expect a nice Roman girl to act--and the family situation she married into is interesting, so I'm enjoying it.

Will read next: Probably the sequel to The Wedding Shroud.

Fanfic read this week: A totally awesome Baseball RPF Vampire AU fic -- Fever by cecliaregent (whose DW name I'm spacing on, sorry about that.)


Still working on the epic Baseball Trust!Verse fic with Nancy. Also, now that I got those AU things out of the way, I'm working on several of my Baseball RPF series at the same time and also a John/Rodney thing that I really really need to finish before the end of the month so I can score another KB card. As usual, focus is my problem.

I'm giving my usual vague thought to NaNo. I never get very far so that's a problem, but on the other hand, I have several original fic ideas I'd like to work on--the thinly disguised John/AlwaysAGirl!Meredith bdsm romance, the big gay baseball novel that's vaguely John/Rodney only it's not, an extremely thinly disguised Jennifer/John/Rodney bdsm romance. I've also entertained the notion of expanding my were!John fic into something I could publish and sell. On the other hand, zomg deadlines. I'm so bad at them, particularly when the only person I'm letting down is myself.

Baseball: the Cardinals need to not do what they did last year. Last year it was fine that they went from being up three games to one to losing the series because they lost to us in epic fashion. But they can't keep making a habit of it, so they need to shut the Dodgers done on Friday. Because honestly, I'm pretty much in the Anyone But The Dodgers camp.

Other stuffs: Not much really. I had to cancel our CSA box because I'm just not cooking on a regular basis and stuff kept going bad. My motivation for anything but writing and even for writing, is kind of low at the moment. October sucks for me so this is no surprise.

And that's what's up.

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stuff and things and stuff, baseball stuffs, a writer is me, it's all about me!, books: 2013, a reader is me

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