fic: Five Times Buster Posey Didn't Kiss Tim Lincecum (SF Giants RPF, Lincecum/Posey, teen)

Aug 22, 2013 02:19

Five Times Buster Posey Didn't Kiss Tim Lincecum (and the one time Tim kissed Buster)
Baseball RPF, SF Giants, Tim Lincecum/Buster Posey
content notes: no AO3 warnings apply. Contains: very mild drug use
Summary: What it says on the tin.
Notes: For the "Five Things" challenge in the Amnesty Round at
fan_flashworks. After the challenge period is over, I will be posting this to AO3. Not much else to say about this one; I saw the challenge, had the idea and wrote it in about seven hours. Thank you to
darkrose for looking it over; any mistakes are mine alone.

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fandom: sf giants, rating: teen, fic: 2013, pairing: lincecum/posey

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