Aug 08, 2013 20:54

So two weeks ago we went to a ball game that Brandon Belt single handedly lost for us. Today all I wanted was a win and Belt in the lineup.

First inning, with two Giants on base, Brandon Belt hit a home run. Even though the final score was 4-1 Giants, you can't really say he singled handedly won the game because Tim Lincecum pitched a fucking gem, but it's easier to pitch well when your team's put up three runs really early. And technically, Belt did bat in the winning run, so yeah, he had a very very good game.

It was a lovely day, cool but sunny. We had good seats--right behind first so we saw a lot Belt and his butt and also Pence out in right field--and the grass was green and the stands smelled like garlic fries and I was there with Nancy and honestly? There was no where else I wanted to be on the day I turned 50.

And then we had fondue for dinner.

Happy Freakin' Birthday to me!

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it's all about me!, sf giants

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